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Have you sown your tomatoes?


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  • Have you sown your tomatoes?

    Last year I sowed my tomatoes too early, this year want to start later. Who else hot their seed in the packets?

  • #2
    Yes and No. I've sown some and I have more to sow.


    • #3
      Put 4 varieties to chit today in the airing-cupboard, as it happens - should have over 100 plants if all the seeds do germinate, so I'll have loads of spares to get rid of as usual - the main thing I need to do is sort out some sort of auto-watering system for my poly-tunnel - if the spirit moves me and I don't find other ways of using the time, I'll try putting a gutter based system for feeding and watering plants in pots I think.


      • #4
        Tomatoes can grow at a rate, and to a certain extent I find later sowings catch up a reasonable amount with earlier sown toms that maybe haven't had enough light and heat.

        I've just recently seen a FB 'memory' picture of our toms & chillies that were in a sunny greenhouse and 1-2 inches high by this time nine years ago. Nowadays I just can't be bothered with the extra effort needed to give early sowings the conditions they need to do well.

        All my tomatoes are still in packets. Will probably have chance to sow them the last weekend of March.
        Last edited by smallblueplanet; 15-03-2020, 07:01 PM.
        To see a world in a grain of sand
        And a heaven in a wild flower


        • #5
          I sowed four seeds a couple of weeks ago - all up and out of the prop now. I'm likely to be moving before they are properly harvested though, so may end up giving up on them. Of course, I also may *not* be moving if everything gets even more doolally and I'm felt to be needed most where I am, so I'll keep them going for now.


          • #6
            I did an early sowing on minibel, gardeners delight and yellow delight which I have pricked out and potted on today.

            I don't normally do them so early but after the wet, miserable conditions we have had for what feels like forever I wanted to see a bit of greenery and optimism in the house

            Benefits for the tomatoes.... Probably not much but benefits to me.... Massive. Bring on the summer!


            • #7
              They were sown today... I need the HP for the curbits in a few weeks so its is careful planning to stagger the need for the space.
              The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


              • #8
                I have a few dwarf toms on the go, that I plan to keep on a windowsill. The others are sown and starting to pop up. I do hope it's not too early....but like Losttheplot my wee seedlings help to keep me cheery, especially in these weird times.
                Last edited by Babru; 15-03-2020, 08:37 PM.
                Mostly flowers, some fruit and veg, at the seaside in Edinburgh.


                • #9
                  Most of mine are still in the packets,I’ve started a list of what varieties to sow,I should be able to sow them within the next ten days. I’ve got ten or eleven early dwarf plants that were sowed Feb on the windowsill.
                  Location : Essex


                  • #10
                    I start early usually but not this year, it’s going to be late on purpose as they always get too leggy.

                    Kind Regards..........Rob
                    Last edited by Dynamite; 15-03-2020, 10:48 PM.


                    • #11
                      Not yet. I'm growing only outdoor ones, though, so no great rush. Also, my heated propagator is full up with peppers at the moment.


                      • #12
                        Not yet, maybe sow a few later this week.
                        Location ... Nottingham


                        • #13
                          Sowed mine on 10 Feb. There now potted up and in the greenhouse on a heated bed. Hopefully that will be enough to keep them going till next month when I'll put them in there final spots. I'll have a heater on standby on a thermostat just in case it gets too cold. It does not cost very much doing it like that for a month. Or two (like it was last year)

                          Might sow some more Bush varieties. Could be handy if this corona stuff goes on for a long time. To give to relatives/friends
                          Last edited by Urban; 16-03-2020, 06:57 AM.


                          • #14
                            Sown 2 days ago. Not germinated yet.
                            Normal sow around this time, after the chillies have finished with the heated propagator.


                            • #15
                              I'd planned to sow mine yesterday but it didn't happen so I will be sowing them today instead.
                              Location....East Midlands.


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