This year it is my intention to grow all my brassicas by direct sowing. 
The reason for this is that I noticed the plants that were left in my seed bed last year did better than the transplanted plants.
My problem is that I try and utilise a no-dg regime now. The first year (two years ago) I dug over my whole plot but it hasn't been dug since.
After hoeing off weeds today the ground was like concrete and it would be hard to work it to a tilth suitable for seed sowing.
This is where I intend to experiment.
I will dibber holes along a line at the correct spacing for the particular brassica I am sowing. I will then fill the dibber holes with compost and after watering sow a pinch of seed in each.
Once germinated I will thin them to two plants at each station and later to one plant.
After germination I will cover with debri netting to keep butterflies and pigeons off them
I will be sowing cabbages, kales,sprouts,broccoli,calabrese,caulis and swedes with this method.
It should work ok, but never having planted brassicas this way before, I will just have to wait and see?

The reason for this is that I noticed the plants that were left in my seed bed last year did better than the transplanted plants.
My problem is that I try and utilise a no-dg regime now. The first year (two years ago) I dug over my whole plot but it hasn't been dug since.
After hoeing off weeds today the ground was like concrete and it would be hard to work it to a tilth suitable for seed sowing.

This is where I intend to experiment.
I will dibber holes along a line at the correct spacing for the particular brassica I am sowing. I will then fill the dibber holes with compost and after watering sow a pinch of seed in each.

Once germinated I will thin them to two plants at each station and later to one plant.
After germination I will cover with debri netting to keep butterflies and pigeons off them
I will be sowing cabbages, kales,sprouts,broccoli,calabrese,caulis and swedes with this method.
It should work ok, but never having planted brassicas this way before, I will just have to wait and see?
