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Soya Beans


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  • Soya Beans

    I am very interested to know about soya beans.
    I am pretty sure that much earlier in the year people were talking about growing soya beans.
    We eat lots of these in our house but I thought they only grew outside of this country.
    Please could people tell me how well they did with growing them as I would love to give them a go if they are worth the space. I do love a challenge but I have limited space on the allotment, always very full . If there was not much success I would rather grow something else and will continue to buy them from the shop.

    the pumpkin cuddler

    It does not matter what our specific fate is as long as we face it with ultimate abandon.

  • #2
    Hi Pumpkin Cuddler
    Tompson and morgan sell soya bean Ustie witch is for this country
    you get 400 seeds for �1.69
    We had to buy some this year cos the rabbits eat them all We did not get one been so i am determind the little B....... are not going to get them this year,
    Thow I do plan on having rabbit stew very soon
    so if you are going to try it then protect them
    or you could try them in pots might do that myself in the back yard
    just got a load of pots from freecycle
    I,ll see what Mrs D thinks

    I think they are worth a try what have you got to lose
    Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


    • #3
      I grow lots of French beans, different varieties. I have also attempted to grow Ustie (the UK soya bean) for 2 years running.

      It has NOT grown. I would continue buying them from H&B if I were you, and plant a lovely French bean instead
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        Originally posted by pumpkin cuddler View Post
        I am very interested to know about soya beans.
        I am pretty sure that much earlier in the year people were talking about growing soya beans.
        We eat lots of these in our house but I thought they only grew outside of this country.
        Please could people tell me how well they did with growing them as I would love to give them a go if they are worth the space. I do love a challenge but I have limited space on the allotment, always very full . If there was not much success I would rather grow something else and will continue to buy them from the shop.
        I grew T&M's Ustie variety this year. Only got 4 germinated but the results have been pathetic though it was partly my fault for messing them about by delaying transplanting them to the bed. I started them off in pots/tray. The plants were never that big about 10 inches.

        I don't know how I was supposed to harvest them but they are dried looking soya beans (got 29 beans slightly smaller than T&M seeds) and I wanted to eat them as green beans, boiled in their pods. Next year I want to grow a minimum of 20 plants and will make sure I start them off early.
        Food for Free


        • #5
          I'm going to put them in big pots like buckets and stat them of in the green house early
          will let you know what happens
          Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


          • #6
            iv tried for 2 years now, sown multiple batches both years in different ways and they always rot off, no matter what i do. given up now. its not good for you to eat too much soya anyway..


            • #7
              tell that to the Japanese.
              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


              • #8
                Uh I love tofu can't have enough. I would love to grow soy beans but I don't think I will have a chance here


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MissGreen View Post
                  Uh I love tofu can't have enough. I would love to grow soy beans but I don't think I will have a chance here
                  Same here, love tofu too. I have been making it too ( for several times) but using lemon juice as a coagulant not the nigari or calcium sulfat.
                  I wish I can grow some of the soyabeans in the coming future but for now, will go and buy the soya beans from the shop
                  I grow, I pick, I eat ...


                  • #10
                    Butter Beans

                    On a slightly different leguminous tack anybody had any sucess growing butter beans? I tried one year and got about three pods!
                    George the Pigman


                    • #11
                      Piglet's your man!
                      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

             Updated March 9th - Spring


                      • #12
                        Has anyone tried the soy bean Envy? I think it's similar to Ustie but I'm not sure.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by momol
                          Same here, love tofu too. I have been making it too (for several times) but using lemon juice as a coagulant not the nigari or calcium sulfate....
                          I was looking at T&M soya beans, but won't bother after reading this thread.

                          But how do you make tofu momol?
                          To see a world in a grain of sand
                          And a heaven in a wild flower


                          • #14
                            I've bought a packet of T&M soya bean seeds to try this year.

                            Nothing on the packet about how tall they grow or what support they need. Are they similar in growth to runner beans?

                            If they are a bit 'soft' I wonder whether it's worth trying a few plants in large pots in the greenhouse?
                            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                            Diversify & prosper


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by smallblueplanet View Post
                              I was looking at T&M soya beans, but won't bother after reading this thread.

                              But how do you make tofu momol?
                              I make the soya milk first, boil the soya milk (as soon as it boil,turn the flame off), stir in lemon juice/calcium salfate/nigari/glucono delta lactone until it coagulate. once it form cheese clogs, scoop it out on top of a kolander (layered with thin cotton fabric), wrap the curd with the fabric and set a bag off loose ice on top of if (to press it and also to cool it down). And our o so, it is ready.
                              If you are interested, I will look for the recipe (on internet), I am no longer following it's measurent .
                              I am currently using glucono delta lactone as the coagulant, works very well and the result is so much better.
                              Last edited by momol; 20-02-2008, 08:46 AM.
                              I grow, I pick, I eat ...


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