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Soya Beans


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  • #31
    Originally posted by smallblueplanet View Post
    Ooops edit, wrong, sorry veg4681. I've never tasted the frozen soya beans, but have been (sic!) tempted, the price put me off. I might have to give in and try some, me being a 'fresh' bean addict as opposed to dried.
    I cannot guarantee how the shelled soya beans taste and like you, have been greatly put off by the premium price. I don't know if you lose that lovely (& addictive) flavour that you get from boiling the beans in its pod. I think the pod itself is part of the package as you put the pod in your mouth, roughly shelling with your teeth as the beans more or less pops out but don't quote me on this, it's been ages since I last ate them so may have forgotten some finer details on the art of eating them.
    Food for Free


    • #32
      Hmm first was the yummy reference from Veg and the Dane and Dolly and now SBP.
      It must be yummy then will get some frozen podded soya as soon as I can .
      I grow, I pick, I eat ...


      • #33
        Just been goggling and the name to look out for is Edamame which translates into 'beans on branches' in Japanese. There are many instruction on how to cook and eat them, apparently you squeeze the pod and the beans just pops into your mouth.

        welcome to EDAMAME.COM
        Food for Free


        • #34
          Thanks Veg, will have a look of it .
          I grow, I pick, I eat ...


          • #35
            Originally posted by veg4681 View Post
            Just been goggling and the name to look out for is Edamame which translates into 'beans on branches' in Japanese. There are many instruction on how to cook and eat them, apparently you squeeze the pod and the beans just pops into your mouth.

            welcome to EDAMAME.COM
            Oh well my spelling was close, thanks for finding out the additional info. Momol def go for it they are lovely and the more people eat them the easier they will be to source and hopefully the price will come down.



            • #36
              Just bought frozen shelled soya beans for �1 reduced from �1.89 from Sainsbury. Will let you folks know how the taste compares with podded soya beans later okay .
              Food for Free


              • #37
                Just bought 3 pkts of the Birds Eye frozen soya beans from Sains at a reduced price too, thanks veg.
                Last edited by smallblueplanet; 22-02-2008, 01:52 PM.
                To see a world in a grain of sand
                And a heaven in a wild flower


                • #38
                  Originally posted by veg4681 View Post
                  Just bought frozen shelled soya beans for �1 reduced from �1.89 from Sainsbury. Will let you folks know how the taste compares with podded soya beans later okay .
                  Did you eat your soya beans Veg ? How does it taste like ?
                  I grow, I pick, I eat ...


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by momol
                    Did you eat your soya beans Veg ? How does it taste like ?
                    I didn't eat Veg's but I did eat my frozen soya beans! I thought they tasted sweet, more than nutty. They're bigger than the dried or tinned ones. I was expecting them to taste like the tinned ones (nutty) but they're sort of like a cross between a pea & a dried/tinned soya bean. I like them but oddly, I prefer the tinned ones.
                    Last edited by smallblueplanet; 04-03-2008, 10:38 PM.
                    To see a world in a grain of sand
                    And a heaven in a wild flower


                    • #40
                      i love the edamame they do in wagamama - you can also get them from a takeaway chain called Wasabi - there's one in London Victoria station if you're ever passing through - they make a nice snack for your train journey.

                      As said above, them come in the pods and you kind of squeeze them out of the pod with your teeth. I think the Bird's Eye frozen ones are pretty good too, though not so much fun since they come ready podded

                      Anyway, back to the question of growing them. I got some soya 'black jet' seeds from Jungle seeds. They're advertised as being suitable for UK climate. We shall see


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by smallblueplanet View Post
                        I didn't eat Veg's but I did eat my frozen soya beans! I thought they tasted sweet, more than nutty. They're bigger than the dried or tinned ones. I was expecting them to taste like the tinned ones (nutty) but they're sort of like a cross between a pea & a dried/tinned soya bean. I like them but oddly, I prefer the tinned ones.
                        Finally had the frozen one today for dinner but wasn't blown away by the taste that I remembered of the 'boil in the pod' version. Yes it has somewhat sweetish taste. However, it was a great hit with my DH and son so it looks like I need to grow enough to freeze them. My DH says he was quite surprised to find it quite tasty.
                        Last edited by veg4681; 06-03-2008, 11:54 PM.
                        Food for Free


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by momol View Post
                          I am currently using glucono delta lactone as the coagulant, works very well and the result is so much better.
                          Hi Momol,

                          I was searching the glucono delta lactone and found this web site, can you tell me where to buy it please, I am thinking of using it make bean curd .many thanks.

                          Ps I have have my own growing veg for 6 years but never try soy beans.sounds very interesting.


                          • #43
                            Soya Beans

                            My first post

                            Growing soya beans [ustie] on my allotment in East London/ Essex . grew seeds under glass in a cold frame in council recycled compost which is very warm .

                            Have now planted out approx 40 plants 4 inch tall 6 inch apart with cane support and mesh protection ,in a 6 inch raised compost bed hopefully will get some results. Literally going about this on a suck and see level.

                            Also anyone know about growing Atlantic Giant pumpkins and recipes for Butternut squash


                            • #44
                              Well, I got them to crop

                              Ustie failed again for me. These were Tesco soya beans, from the wholefoods section.

                              It's not much of a crop from the space though, but they were easy to grow. I had to bring them in last week because they're going to rot on the plot: they weren't ripe & hard, so I've shelled them & put in the freezer until needed (just like French shelly beans).
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                              Last edited by Two_Sheds; 27-10-2012, 07:01 PM.
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