Hey Hazel - mucho excitement at Flummer Towers!
The Heritage lettuce variety Stoke which Hazel and I both received when we joined the Heritage Seed Library a few weeks ago has germinated in my unheated greenhouse after 3 weeks in the border. Only 2 leaves each at the moment - hardly a salad! I have great hopes however. Looking forward to the seed list plopping into my mat.
Anyone else grown this variety? What salad leaves do you grow for winter use?
The Heritage lettuce variety Stoke which Hazel and I both received when we joined the Heritage Seed Library a few weeks ago has germinated in my unheated greenhouse after 3 weeks in the border. Only 2 leaves each at the moment - hardly a salad! I have great hopes however. Looking forward to the seed list plopping into my mat.
Anyone else grown this variety? What salad leaves do you grow for winter use?