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what can I start growin now


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  • what can I start growin now

    I have a small greenhouse 6 by 4 and a large polytunnel and a parafin heater bought in sale at focus, , how much fuel does a heater use.

    I thought I might start my peppers leeks at home and when bigger take down to greenhouse in February and have the heater going in the evening, I also wonder if i could start some Cucumbers off as they say late winter. I have also sow some carrots seed in the tunnel doubt if these will come up

    I am going to try some swift potatoes in the centre of my tunnel in January with a small home made cover over these and when lifted put some runner beans in march and cover, what are peoples ideas.

    I live in Camborne cornwall, and hope the weather will be mild like last year


  • #2
    Originally posted by kittykat8 View Post
    I have a small greenhouse 6 by 4 and a large polytunnel and a parafin heater bought in sale at focus, , how much fuel does a heater use.

    I am going to try some swift potatoes in the centre of my tunnel in January with a small home made cover over these and when lifted put some runner beans in march and cover, what are peoples ideas.

    I live in Camborne cornwall, and hope the weather will be mild like last year

    Well i think your potatos should be ok because they plant them in the fields in late Jan early feb in your part of the world so you will have a lot of people drooling in late march when you tell us about your early crops good luck Jacob
    What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
    Ralph Waide Emmerson


    • #3
      You could start some onions from seed, try one of the large varieties like Sweet Spanish Yellow, they do better with a long growing time. I would think you'd be a bit early with your cucumbers, late winter means roughly February to me. Mind you, I live in the frozen wastes of the far north, so seasons are a bit different up here! Basically you want to be sure that there's going to be insects around to pollinate your crop when it starts flowering, so if you have bees on the wing around February, by all means start them off! Mine don't start flying until May

      Dwell simply ~ love richly


      • #4
        Well done for thinking about things early, but don't be too hasty. I think you are being a little over-ambitious with peppers and cucumbers, particularly - even with the equipment you have.

        Even in your relatively mild area, I doubt whether you could achieve the necessary temperatures to keep plants like these happy, and you would probably need extra lighting to help them, too. There is a reason why these plants don't grow here naturally during the winter!

        Consider, first, the temperature at which they germinate - this gives a good idea as to when they might naturally grow if the seed was cast on the ground.

        Tender veg like peppers need around at least 18 degrees of heat for a good start, and then don't like it when things drop under 15 degrees. They thrive in much warmer conditions. You need to consider if you can really achieve this. Normally, you would make the earliest sowings (January/ February) in a heated propagator inside a polytunnel or greenhouse.

        Likewise, cucumbers prefer warmer temperatures. Their large seeds can rot if it is too cold or wet, and they are big plants which will outgrow most propagators quickly.

        I think you would be surprised how quickly later sowings catch up those made earlier.

        If you want to sow something during December/ January, try something less delicate which will actually give you an earlier crop.

        At the moment you could sow hardy peas and broad beans, stick in some garlic and sow some overwintering onions. After the shortest day, stick in some shallots. Winter salad and lettuce sown now might give you an early crop.

        Once we're into January, start a few more things - early carrots, cauliflowers and cabbages would like the protection of your polytunnel, for example. Wait until the end of January or even February before putting your potatoes in, I suggest.

        By all means try a few things now, but don't put all your eggs in one basket - it is very risky and you would want to have a back-up plan.


        • #5
          I normally sow my Kelsae onions on Christmas day to get out of doing the washing up! Because there was quite a lot of dishes to wash last year I also sowed my Ham onions and both faired very well!
          Onions and leeks like a long growing season so instead of waiting until New Years Day, I think I'll sow my leeks on Crimbo day as well. I have recently sown some peas, garlic cloves, onion sets and annual Chrysanths which are all doing well. I have loads of packets of different hardy annuals which I didn't get sown last year so I intend planting in pots in the greenhouse soon to start them and we'll see if they live up to there name HARDY annuals!
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • #6
            Much too early for things like peppers and cucumbers, even down in Cornwall. As well as warmth they also need fairly long daylight hours. You could start broad beans or peas in cell trays, sweet peas for flowers, garlic, onion sets or seeds. Later sowings usually catch up with the really early ones, and you could spend an absolute fortune on heating if you try to start tender crops too early.


            • #7
              Lambs lettuce under cover...easy and tasty!!
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • #8
                Temperature is not the only thing Kittykat8 . The amount of daylight is just as important. Some plants are very light specific and others do just as well in poorer conditions. You could Google under long / short day plants. Interesting subject. Anyway, if you have itchy planting fingers you could grow some peas for shoots to eat from the windowsill and I think peppers and chillies do well started early.
                See the pea shoots here. Just cut and add to salads, hand out to the kids, or whatever. They taste like fresh peas.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	PICT0100.JPG
Views:	11
Size:	63.5 KB
ID:	2320058

                From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                • #9
                  hi kitty,
                  i'm just up country from you and we had a brilliant winter last year 10 - 12 degs most days and no frost but even i would not plant toms , cucumbers and peppers this time of year as one frost and they will most likely die.
                  rustlady is also right about catchup as last year i planted my potatoes in feb and the guy next to me in april and there was only a week between harvest times so hang fire with planting.
                  here's what i plant an when ;
                  now - garlic , broad beans
                  dec - large onions , shallots
                  jan - not alot, start peppers , toms , in heated greenhouse
                  feb - leeks , brassicas ( cabbages ) carrots, cucumbers in greenhouse , start chitting pots for planting next month .
                  remember it's soil temprature that makes seeds grow not air temprature so bide your time and prepare your ground and have a merry christmas and let nature take it's course.
                  ---) CARL (----
                  NORTH DEVON

                  a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!



                  now in blog form ! UPDATED 15/4/09


                  • #10
                    Got me going Snadger! I also have a number of packets of hardy annuals - with a view to cutting down the air miles generated by my Ma's insatiable appetite for bunches of supermarket flowers. I've cleared a bed to sow direct in March but maybe I can get ahead with some modules in the greenhouse? You reckon?
                    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

           Updated March 9th - Spring


                    • #11
                      They've got two choices, Flum....

                      I reackon that's a great idea, but keep some seed back too.....


                      • #12
                        Oh yes Hazel. Never put all eggs in one basket!
                        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

               Updated March 9th - Spring


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by carlseawolf View Post
                          here's what i plant an when ;
                          jan - not alot, start peppers, toms, in heated greenhouse
                          Also aubergine and errr....melon (I fancy them canteloupe one)?
                          Food for Free


                          • #14
                            I definitely wouldn't start melons in January.

                            March/ April much more suitable.


                            • #15
                              Personally I wouldn't start toms that early either.

                              Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                              Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


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