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Watering from drainage ditches?


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  • Watering from drainage ditches?

    My lottie has drainage ditches on two sides. I'm sure they'll water the plot with no help from me whatsoever in wetter times but will it be safe to use the water when it's more sluggish and stagnant?

    We have taps but I'm far enough away from the nearest one to make it a potential chore with a can. We're not supposed to use hoses and although I'm told people do, in any case I'd need an awfully long one, plus I'm not sure the pressure can be up to much, given I'm the very end plot on a reasonably large site.

    I'm looking for things I can get done in these quieter months and wondering whether carving a little path amongst the brambles and rigging up some sort of pulley system to haul up buckets of water might be of use, or just a waste of time? Don't want to be watering some sort of horrible aquatic weed all over!
    I was feeling part of the scenery
    I walked right out of the machinery
    My heart going boom boom boom
    "Hey" he said "Grab your things
    I've come to take you home."

  • #2
    Bought a rotovator off someone up in Peterborough area whose allotment was next to a big drainage ditch. He had a proper little petrol powered pump.
    Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
    Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
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    • #3
      Interesting!!! I shall do further research
      I was feeling part of the scenery
      I walked right out of the machinery
      My heart going boom boom boom
      "Hey" he said "Grab your things
      I've come to take you home."


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