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when to buy spuds for growing?


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  • #16
    Most garden centres seem to have spuds in now. but I havn't had any freebies or ordered ones delivered yet. Which would indicate it's still early in the season and still plenty of time to get your spuds.


    • #17
      potatoes and cold January

      planted more potatoes today Swift potatoes , in the tunnel and went home and read the express paper where they are forcasting a very cold January and february, Temps are going to be minus 17 in some parts of the country, maybe goodby potatoes.



      • #18
        Originally posted by kittykat8 View Post
        ...Temps are going to be minus 17 in some parts of the country....

        At minus 17 it won't be just your spuds going bye-bye! When and where's the Great Freeze supposed to be then?
        To see a world in a grain of sand
        And a heaven in a wild flower


        • #19
          this is it

          BRITAIN faces one of its bitterest winters for 100 years, with temperatures set to plummet to -17C (1.4F), forecasters warned last night.

          The New Year will begin with a freezing cold snap that will sweep across the country, causing “havoc” in its wake.

          And forecasters predict an even icier Arctic blast will strike later in the month to bring the coldest recorded temperatures in 20 years.

          Sleet and snow are expected in many parts over the next few days. And spells of freezing weather are set to last until the end of February.

          The sudden cold snap is predicted to cause chaos, as it coincides with millions of people returning to work after the Christmas break.

          Car breakdowns on Wednesday are set to rocket by 70 per cent as an estimated 45,000 drivers in England and Wales find their cars unable to start due to the cold weather.

          The Highways Agency has already put 500 gritting vehicles on standby to cope with the predicted snowfall.

          Concern is also growing for the welfare of the 2.5million pensioners across the UK who live in poorly heated homes.

          Piers Corbyn, from long-range weather forecasters WeatherAction, said: “It is likely to be one of the six coldest Januarys for 100 years and is expected to include at least one exceptionally cold spell, similar to that experienced in January 1987 and the legendary January of 1740 when biting, strong, easterly winds and snow wreaked severe havoc.

          SEARCH NEWS / SHOWBIZ for:

          “There is likely to be a number of days when temperatures in many parts stay below freezing all day.

          “The lowest night temperatures in parts of the Midlands, Northern England or Scotland could be as low as -17C (1.4F) or possibly colder.”

          The Met Office yesterday forecast a bitterly cold snap for almost the whole of the UK in the middle of this week.

          Temperatures are expected to plunge from a mild 10C (50F) to -4C (25F) overnight in northern areas by Thursday and a blanket of snow is likely in many parts.

          Robin Downton, of the Met Office, predicted snowfall in the East and North of England and eastern Scotland on Wednesday, possibly spreading to the Midlands, East Anglia and the South on Thursday.

          He said: “The weather is going to turn really cold during Wednesday and by Thursday it will feel jolly cold throughout the whole of the country, apart from the very far West and South-west.

          “With the strong winds, it will be a bit of a shock for people because it will feel bitterly cold. With the wind-chill, it will feel perishing.”

          The freezing temperatures will feel even worse because of the mild winter Britain has enjoyed so far.

          By the weekend, temperatures are due to thaw to about 11C (52F) but forecasters say the respite will be only temporary, with further winter misery to come. Jonathan Powell, senior forecaster at Positive Weather Solutions, said: “During February we will see an extended cold snap. We would expect it to be much colder than January.

          “It will not be a pleasant month. We would expect many days where the temperatures struggle to get above freezing.

          “There will be harsh frosts and snow at the start and the end of the month.”

          The gloomy forecast means revellers looking forward to welcoming in 2008 outdoors should make the most of the next two days.

          Unlike last year when many New Year and Hogmanay celebrations had to be cancelled, mild temperatures of about 8C (46F) are expected for the evening.

          Wales and most of England will be mainly dry and cloudy today, although one or two showers are anticipated.

          Revellers in northern England, Northern Ireland and Scotland, however, can expect rain.

          Those hoping to walk off the excesses of New Year’s Eve can expect a mild but cloudy day on January 1.

          Most areas will remain dry but rain is expected in central and southern Scotland, North-east England and East Anglia.

          The mercury is expected to top 10C (50F) in southern England on New Year’s Day and will only be a few degrees cooler across the rest of the UK.


          • #20
            Blimey I better order some oil tomorrow or we'll freeze!
            To see a world in a grain of sand
            And a heaven in a wild flower


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