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Need a new Carrot and Parsnip plan of action


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  • Need a new Carrot and Parsnip plan of action

    Hi all

    I sowed about 8 rows of carrots and parsnips last month and dues to my own neglect I left the bed alone and the weeds have taken over. My neighbour tried to help me work out which shoots to keep but in the end I think we both were thinking it best to start again. I sat there for about an hour last night trying to work out what was what but no joy. To top it all I was rubbish at marking out the rows etc.

    So I am going to start again. Can anyone give me some good Carrot and Parsnip sowing advice? They are going in a raised bed which allready has onions growing. How can I keep the weeds at bay until the seedlings have established?

    Any advice apprecieated.

  • #2
    Is it wise to start them off in roottrainers?


    • #3
      What about sowing radishes with them? They grow fast and could mark the rows. Just a thought!


      • #4
        Yeh I have heard about that, I'm not keen on radishes but I guess I can give them away.


        • #5
          You could try marking your rows by fastening a line of string along each one from end to end of your raised bed drawing your drills straight along these & sowing your seeds carefully along them.Leave the strings there & at least you'll know most of what's growing along them should be carrots/parsnips & anything elsewhere should be weeds.
          Into every life a little rain must fall.


          • #6
            I must confess that I don't like radishes either! Wonder if my chooks would eat them ......

            Like your idea of the string SueA
            Last edited by Squirrel; 05-05-2006, 01:03 PM.


            • #7
              Wizer, I think you have to call this things you learned the hard way. Start again, it's not too late. Cear the ground of weeds. Mark the rows with sring. Plant the seeds. Hoe regularly between the rows and hey presto, there will be your rows of carrots and parsnips. Even if you don't like radish it could be worth mixing some seed in as they germinate so quickly they will mark the rows for you, and where they are growing the weeds cannot be growing and they are much easier to remove than most weeds. Good luck and let us know how you get on. Post a piccy.

              From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


              • #8
                I make a hole every 3 inches as deep as the second knuckle on my index finger. This I fill with vermiculite and sharp sand mix. I then sow two seeds in each. The vermiculite stands out as whit dots in the dark earth. If something is growing and it’s not in a white dot then it has to be a weed and out it comes. The vermiculite also helps retain moisture. When it comes to watering I use a ladle and only pour water on the white dots. The vegetable seed gets the water but the weeds in between don’t.


                • #9
                  Jaxom, you're just a mine of information. Will remember that one when I come to make my raised beds for next year.

                  From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                  • #10
                    seed marking

                    I always plant a seed in a small pot when im not used to what they look like and you can identify it from the weeds from the ones in rows. Just make sure you label the pot though


                    • #11
                      really good idea that gcroft, thanks

                      Thanks all for the good advice, I will let you know how round 2 goes.


                      • #12
                        Leave them a bit longer Wizer & then you may be able to see whats what.

                        Ypu can pre germinte them on damp kitchen towel & then liquid so using water retaining gel & a plastic bag with the corner snipped off.

                        Never tried it myself but am told it works.
                        Never be afraid to try something new.
                        Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                        A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                        • #13
                          my neighbour suggested the same method nick, cheers

                          I think I am going to try some in root trainers and some by that method, with string marked rows for extra assurance.

                          fingers crossed


                          • #14

                            I have about 50 parsnips growing atm i start them in peat pots but you need to be careful not to damage the tap root when i plant them out i remove the base of the peat pot and for the last 3 years they have been growing ok (some fork but im more interested in taste than a perfect straight root although straight ones would be nice).

                            This year im trying an experiment ive cut the top off 2 litre pop bottles (made a few drainage holes) and put a fine compost in it you can tape a load of bottles together to make a parsnip type bed that self supports itself. I want to see if this makes straight parsnips ill let you know if it works


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Jaxom
                              I make a hole every 3 inches as deep as the second knuckle on my index finger. This I fill with vermiculite and sharp sand mix. I then sow two seeds in each. The vermiculite stands out as whit dots in the dark earth. If something is growing and it’s not in a white dot then it has to be a weed and out it comes. The vermiculite also helps retain moisture. When it comes to watering I use a ladle and only pour water on the white dots. The vegetable seed gets the water but the weeds in between don’t.

                              Hi Jaxom,

                              Does your method of planting parsnips work on planting carrots too. If so what spacing do you leave between seeds. Also does the sand have no effect on the plants to be planted in that spot in the years to come as I have a crop rotation plan in place?

                              I have been put off planting roots as my new friends on the allottment all sieve the soil for carrots & have them in baths, tubs etc suspented above ground to ward off low flying carrot fly.

                              I have the seeds so thought I may as well plant them in the ground with a few chives & spring onion in between to confise the carrot fly as I am a first season Lottie holder. Prior to planting I will sieve around 8 " of soil & mix with a little sharp sand.

                              Your advice will be greatfully recieved.
                              Nature Girl


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