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My Wilko seed potatoes!


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  • My Wilko seed potatoes!

    Just been to Wilko and back.

    I bought PFA, Nicola, Kestral as I can't get these from shops/supermarket and red onion sets (�1 for 250g, lots in there). Then on to Sainsbury for Anya, Rooster and Charlotte (they ran out of Vivaldi) as I'm able to eat most and set aside few tubers for growing.

    If anyone's interested, Wilko range of seed potatoes as follows:
    Anya, Pink Fur Apple, 10 tubers per bag for �1.90 each
    Charlotte, Nicola, Kestral, Rooster, 10 tubers per bag for �1.50 each

    3kg pack for Rocket, Arran Pilot, Pentland Javelin, Maris Peer, King Edward, Desiree at �2.80-�3 each.
    Last edited by veg4681; 12-01-2008, 06:31 PM.
    Food for Free

  • #2
    Joy of Wilkinsons

    I have also been to Wilko and Back today... but my Rooster spuds cost me �1.90 for 10.

    I also got some fleece, Thermometer, Hard covered unheated propagator, cell tray inserts, seeds etc..
    Blogging at.....


    • #3
      I have been to Wilko today too (again - it wasn't my idea honest, the kids wanted to go!). I got rhubarb crowns for �1.50 each, some Canadian Wonder seeds (red kidney beans), Pink Fir Apples (just to see how they do v. my Alan Romans ones) and a packet of Medditerranean salad seeds.

      I was narrowly wrestled away from a propagator multi pack and a home brew kit though (Mum! You're SO embarrasing!)
      I was feeling part of the scenery
      I walked right out of the machinery
      My heart going boom boom boom
      "Hey" he said "Grab your things
      I've come to take you home."


      • #4
        Wonders of Wilko

        Ho bugger, i totally forgot about the home brew kits... my hand basket was over flowing by that isle so i had to go.

        Shall I return tomorrow.....? (just for a look)
        Blogging at.....


        • #5
          Originally posted by seasprout View Post
          Shall I return tomorrow.....? (just for a look)
          Do you really need to ask???
          I was feeling part of the scenery
          I walked right out of the machinery
          My heart going boom boom boom
          "Hey" he said "Grab your things
          I've come to take you home."


          • #6

            Looking for someone to blame when i come back broke... thanks for volunteering.
            Blogging at.....


            • #7
              Originally posted by seasprout View Post
              I have also been to Wilko and Back today... but my Rooster spuds cost me �1.90 for 10.

              I also got some fleece, Thermometer, Hard covered unheated propagator, cell tray inserts, seeds etc..
              I'm sure you got the right price for Rooster as I'm trying to remember from memorizing. But I got eating Rooster from Sainsbury at �1.59 for 2kg and am actually roasting some now to taste the difference alongside the ordinary potatoes.

              I also bought 15 litres seed compost, vermiculite and plant labels.
              Food for Free


              • #8
                Originally posted by seasprout View Post
                Looking for someone to blame when i come back broke... thanks for volunteering.
                Mea culpa
                I was feeling part of the scenery
                I walked right out of the machinery
                My heart going boom boom boom
                "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                I've come to take you home."


                • #9
                  I also did a pilgrimage to Wilcos today for some vermiculite that they sell at half the price of BandQ, but when I get there, the shelves they were bare, so no vermiculite! Instead, bought some Rocket seed spuds just 'cos it said VERY first early.
                  I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by terrier View Post
                    I also did a pilgrimage to Wilcos today for some vermiculite that they sell at half the price of BandQ, but when I get there, the shelves they were bare, so no vermiculite! Instead, bought some Rocket seed spuds just 'cos it said VERY first early.
                    I'm sure you'll have plenty of chance to buy Vermiculite there later. I nearly missed them too as they were high up on the top shelves along with the Perlite. Glad to hear they're cheaper than B&Q but I assumed that they would be anyway, in fact any gardening stuffs are so I never make price check beforehand...god bless our Wilko !
                    Food for Free


                    • #11
                      Hi all.
                      I too could not resist the temptation of freshly stocked Wilkos shelves and bought the following.
                      3kg Rocket seed potatoes(rubbish reviews but super early)
                      Red onion(canadian something or other)
                      Gooseberry red.
                      Edme strong bitter brewing kit(tried lots but Edme never fails)

                      I must have bought at least 6 different varieties and about 25kg of seed potatoes in a fortnight. NEED SELF CONTROL . Minty X
                      " If it tastes like chicken THEN EAT CHICKEN " :- Kermit The Frog



                      • #12
                        How come everyone else's Wilko has stock but not ours? And our planting times are before most of you, too !
                        Gt Yarmouth branch not getting anything before 20th Jan.
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • #13
                          Nottingham Wilko also a bit bare, seeds are in, and they have cleared the shelves ready for pots and trays and stuff. Already been in twice and bought far too many seeds, goodness help me when the pots, labels, soft fruit and flower bulbs/corms come out!!! Oh, just remembered the �5 trees!!! Oh dear, can I really justify another fruit tree? Will my hubby notice another tree out there amoungst the 6 already there!!!


                          • #14
                            Sounds like Wilkos is a good place to buy cheap seeds etc. I've just looked it up and am I right in thinking it's actually called Wilkinsons? If so then none in Cornwall that I can find and I don't venture out of county much!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Minty View Post
                              Hi all.
                              I too could not resist the temptation of freshly stocked Wilkos shelves and bought the following.
                              3kg Rocket seed potatoes(rubbish reviews but super early)
                              Red onion(canadian something or other)
                              Gooseberry red.
                              Edme strong bitter brewing kit(tried lots but Edme never fails)

                              I must have bought at least 6 different varieties and about 25kg of seed potatoes in a fortnight. NEED SELF CONTROL . Minty X
                              Hi Minty, I was in the Derby city centre wilkos on Monday & didn't see any of the things you listed - which store do you use?
                              keen but (slightly less) clueless


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