Nice one piggie. What variety are you growing?
An off-topic moment here (heaven forefend!) but when you have comments on your blog I can't actually see them to read them (I only know they're there by checking number of comments). Perhaps you could change the font colour, or background colour? I have to read them by trying to copy them, when they become highlighted.
Interesting comment about arti's cropping over winter.
Anyway our Arti's are outside hardening up, or hopefully vernalising, atm. Some more are still only seed (hurry up!
An off-topic moment here (heaven forefend!) but when you have comments on your blog I can't actually see them to read them (I only know they're there by checking number of comments). Perhaps you could change the font colour, or background colour? I have to read them by trying to copy them, when they become highlighted.
Interesting comment about arti's cropping over winter.

Anyway our Arti's are outside hardening up, or hopefully vernalising, atm. Some more are still only seed (hurry up!
