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When can we start sowing?


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  • #16
    Indoor sowing is OK as long as you have the room and light to care for the seedlings. Here in East Anglia I'm not even considering sowing outside yet, but if you really can't wait and have the room to spare, then sow a few cheap, hardy seeds (radish, carrot, broad bean, possibly). However you need to be aware that if the soil isn't warm enough then they will not even germinate. Don't quote me, but I seem to remember that the soil temperature needs to be at least five or seven degrees C before most hardy seeds will germinate. Anything like tomatoes, chillies, courgettes really must wait.


    • #17
      Originally posted by moggssue View Post
      Wont they get too damp and steamy in a bathroom?
      It's an unheated bathroom (currently about 5 C) so it doesn't get steamy.
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #18
        I sowed carrots and peas in pots several weeks ago and transfered them into the lottie today under cloches today. Will start another batch tomorrow and in another two-three weeks transfer them. And hopefully end up with the earliest start possible even if the first few batches fail. With approx 2000 carrot seed in a packet sowing 20/30 seeds at a time is not going to break the bank, same with peas which were bought loose. Still very much sitting on hands as far as tom etc go.


        • #19
          what have you to loose and what have you to gain don't worry what every one Else says if you think have a go then have a go i think the sea is far to warm for it to stay cold for a long time and if it works you will be eating carrots before all the others if not build a shed out of all that wood!


          • #20
            Oh reading all these threads are making me itched to get started, I have musselburgh leeks and ambassador peas, might sow a few of each and keep them on the window sill to see how they go.
            Got nowt to loose if just do a few for trial
            Smile and the world smiles with you


            • #21
              Glad to see I'm not the only one who is desperate to get started.....

              I am tempted to go to the beach to get some of the washed up's perfect for riased beds!!


              • #22
                I’m well happy with today, planted seeds in greenhouse - Cauliflower 'All Year Round'- Cabbage 'Greyhound'- Leek 'Musselburgh' & Parsnips
                Only sow ½ dozen of each seeds to give it a trial run and will feedback on the outcome? when or if any progress
                Smile and the world smiles with you


                • #23
                  I, for one, will be very interested to see how you all get on with these early sowings. Even if others catch up in a few weeks, its keeping my itchy fingers happy to do a bit now!
                  Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


                  • #24
                    its all trial and error, so give it a go if you have lots of seeds you have nowt to loose really, and if all works well your on a winner, I’m going to do some more seeds this weekend
                    Smile and the world smiles with you


                    • #25
                      I've got a very little greenhouse (6'x4'), and the wind is strong enough to blow the door open regularly, but I've sown a container of radishes, which are coming up nicely, one of early carrots, which are germinating, and some Aquadulce broad beans (no sign yet). Nothing much to lose, I thought. I know it's not right and all that, but it's hardly a big risk. Space is so short in March, it could end up speeding things up, and if not, so what?


                      • #26
                        Well I'm thoroughly persuaded to give a few things a go early - if nothing else it's a practice run!


                        • #27
                          i'm just sowing in my greenhouse, we have some funny weather at moment - rain, snow, hail and gales not worth going out in that too coldddddddddddddddddd
                          Smile and the world smiles with you


                          • #28
                            I left a potato in a bucket ages ago and it's just started growing, broad beans aren't too far off flowering so I'm going to take a chance.

                            Carrots in a bucket with a bit of fleece on top has to be worth a go.


                            • #29
                              I tend to sow seeds early march so when they geriminate in time for the spring equinox as when they start growing there is more daylight than darkness and they seem to grow better this my take on spring time i know the seeds are bursting in your packets but you have to do the best for them this may help it may not hope it do's jacob
                              What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
                              Ralph Waide Emmerson


                              • #30
                                Well, I couldnt wait! My spare bedroom windowsill is now full of seed trays with leeks, broad beans, chillis and cabbage .... fingers crossed now that the weather brightens up when they want planting out !!

                                partly blame that Hazel person you know .... showing us those photos of broad beans growing away when I have itchy fingers and just love broadies
                                Last edited by moggssue; 04-02-2008, 11:14 AM.
                                Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


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