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  • #16
    Welcome to the vine. Clever of you to follow the forum before joining as you'll find that this must be one of the best one really for the wealth of GYO info.

    Don't worry about asking ridiculous questions, you sound like the sort of person who would have done a bit of research before asking anyway . Look at it this way, it could be that you'd be asking intelligent questions that would open interesting debate that we all can learn from.
    Food for Free


    • #17
      Bonjour Bobleponge, we holiday 3-4 times a year as St Jean de Savigny (between Bayeaux and St Lo and are looking to buy a new home somewhere about there so cant be too far from you.

      Welcome to the vine and as for questions, fire away. Enjoy!!
      Last edited by pigletwillie; 29-01-2008, 09:58 AM.


      • #18
        Hello Bobleponge, welcome to the vine . Don't worry about asking as gardening is so interesting and full of challenge ( due to weather, soil conditions, diseases,etc).
        Have fun and enjoy your stay....

        I grow, I pick, I eat ...


        • #19
          Many thanks for the welcome messages. The only way I could manage to read all the previous postings was to wait till I went back to work. Couldnt ever do it at home with such a big garden to tend to.
          All the fruit was inherited from the previous owner, our plum trees are still spreading like wildfire from all the dropped stones. I have chopped down or pulled out several over the last year, we have around 20 and after eating, bottling, stewing and freezing, making chutney and giving away we still leave thousands to the birds.
          The soft fruit is the same, it all crops incredibly well here, clearly thanks to the work of our predecessors.
          Piglet, we are a couple of hours south of where you are intending to set up home, but, like most of us who have moved to France the only question we have asked ourselves is "why did we wait so long?"
          Tony, have already done a fair bit of veggie reading from our Maison du Presse, very lucky to have worked in places to have grasped enough of the language, although I still generally look at the pictures.
          I have only got the bug since moving here, never had time or space really in the UK to make it worthwhile (I know I know) but now with 4 weeks home every time I am looking forward to getting stuck into it in a big way.
          Once again, thanks for all the kind welcomes.
          Bob Leponge
          Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


          • #20
            Hi Bobleponge,that's some job you have if you can read all the posts on the forum at work. You'll be the expert now and we can ask you questions. Welcome to the 'Vine'.
            I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


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