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Chilli's - what ya growing?


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  • #61
    Darn it - nearly went to Simpsons yesterday - didn't know the Chilli event was on or I would have made more of an effort....

    SBP - any idea what time they close today...? May nip down there when OH returns from his errands....

    I have a new blog (life, universe and everything type stuff...) Please let me know what you think... (Updated 18th March 2009)

    "It's still good..... It's still good....." Homer J Simpson


    • #62
      Give them a ring, maybe it'll depend on the weather, its pretty grotty here but they're further SW I think.
      Last edited by smallblueplanet; 26-05-2008, 12:20 PM.
      To see a world in a grain of sand
      And a heaven in a wild flower


      • #63
        Got a fruit or two on some of the ones grown from seed Alice sent me. (Thanks Alice!) Hungarian Hot Wax and Big Jim. The others - early jalapeno - are well behind. My sweeties are looking good too - California Wonder (Ta Hazel!) and Italian Sweet Pointy Pepper - supermarket variety - but nowhere near as precocious as the Hot Wax and Big Jims.
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • #64
          My plants are still loaded with fruit, 1 week out from the start of winter here. I've got some Peter Peppers, plus a couple that didn't turn out what they should have including a Habanero, then I've got this one as per photo.

          The seed for this was labeled "Hanoi Red' but as usual ended up with a name not recognised anywhere, but they have some heat if that's what you want.
          Attached Files
          I love growing tomatoes.


          • #65
            Still no seedlings from the 8 or so varieties sown around 6 weeks back. Tried resowing 10 days back, so there's still hope (though not whilst the weather is like this!) but then of course the potential problem is inability to reach fruiting stage before Autumn!
            This is my 2nd year of chilli growing: first year was great (only 3 or 4 varieties though); last year was pants - ended up with some healthy looking plants which didn't get chance to fruit; this year is now looking pretty ropey too! I WILL resort to buying a couple of plants if nothing happens as I loved having fresh chillis 2 years back.


            • #66
              Quick! Get yerself down to the chilli event at Simpsons, Waffler, you know it makes sense!

              If you get any seeds to germinate (are they in a heated prop?) then you could try overwintering them if they don't get chance to fruit.
              Last edited by smallblueplanet; 26-05-2008, 01:40 PM.
              To see a world in a grain of sand
              And a heaven in a wild flower


              • #67
                GREAT EXCITEMENT! I'm hyper-ventilating! Just braved the wind and rain (brrrrr!) to check on stuff and get some marking from the car. Tentatively lifted propogator lids and... I have 5 chilli seedlings (from 3 varieties) and 1 sweet pepper seedling coming through. I am SO happy!

                Now, what can I do to push my little babies along? Just let nature take its course or wrap them in cotton wool, or take them to bed with me... O.K, maybe I'm going too far, but seriously what's the best course of action now?

                To answer your question SBP, they aren't in a heated propogator, but I'm considering getting one for next year. Reckon I'll definitely pot a couple up rather than planting in the greenhouse border, so they can be moved indoors.



                • #68
                  Lol! Well done Waffler!

                  When they're a bit bigger (two real seed leaves) put them in some fresh, free-draining compost and I'd say keep them somewhere light and warm. But don't overwater (err on the dry side) and don't over pot in your rush for them to get bigger (pot up when the roots start to show out the pots drainage holes). I don't think they'd like to be in the border unless its warm and sheltered?

                  Treat yourself to a 'seed tray size' heated prop for your chillis next year maybe, or start them off somewhere warmer, they'll pop thru much sooner!
                  Last edited by smallblueplanet; 26-05-2008, 02:55 PM.
                  To see a world in a grain of sand
                  And a heaven in a wild flower


                  • #69
                    I am growing Anaheim..... free seeds with Gardeners World Mag. I started them in a heated propagator. They are now on the window sill in their own little 3" pots and look quite healthy. Roots showing through so maybe should re-pot??? I'm not sure what to do with them next. Should they stay indoors (greenhouse not built yet, but on it's way), or can they be planted outside in bed or container???? First year growing veg so it's all a big experiment


                    • #70
                      I wouldn't put them outside yet - our temp is only 11C! Most of ours will be grown in the greenhouse, but particularly as smaller plants. I will have to have some of the bigger plants outside because there's so many! But remember they like warm, so mine will be staying in pots so I can move them as necessary. I'd pot up if you can see roots - maybe to 5"-6", you could go bigger in one go, but when its cold and wet they won't like all the extra 'unused' compost.
                      Last edited by smallblueplanet; 26-05-2008, 03:36 PM.
                      To see a world in a grain of sand
                      And a heaven in a wild flower


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by smallblueplanet View Post
                        Lol! Well done Waffler!

                        When they're a bit bigger (two real seed leaves) put them in some fresh, free-draining compost and I'd say keep them somewhere light and warm. But don't overwater (err on the dry side) and don't over pot in your rush for them to get bigger (pot up when the roots start to show out the pots drainage holes). I don't think they'd like to be in the border unless its warm and sheltered?

                        Treat yourself to a 'seed tray size' heated prop for your chillis next year maybe, or start them off somewhere warmer, they'll pop thru much sooner!
                        Thanks for that SBP. 2 years back (when I was successful with my chillis!) the plants grew quite happily in the greenhouse border; I don't see that it would be any different to them being in a pot in the greenhouse, and I have nowhere warmer than the greenhouse (the greenhouse is warmer than the house when the sun's out!!) The only benefit would be being able to move them into the house once the weather cools.
                        What are my chances of getting fruit from them this season?


                        • #72
                          I'm growing jalapeno and cayenne, on the conservatory windowsills, but the seedlings got mixed up by my well-meaning dad and now I don't know which are which!

                          Half the plants seem quite a bit bigger than the others - any ideas if the size difference might give me a clue to which is which!?




                          • #73
                            Mmm not sure of the varieties Im growing, except I did get one of the peter penis chillis off ebay! Guess which one is getting special attention? Bernie LOL!
                            Bernie aka DDL

                            Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                            • #74
                              Lol! Bernie.

                              Sorry Waffler I thought you meant 'flower' border. Some of ours will be going in the g/h border, if there's room after toms & aubs! I think (as with lots of plants) generally if you put them in pots you'll get smaller plants and earlier fruiting (probably less fruit too?). I'd have thought it depends on the variety of peppers you're growing as to whether you get some (and how much) fruit this season. Think that normally annuums are quickest to fruit.

                              From the pictures I've seen on another forum (chillisgalore) then cayenne look leggier and taller than most other chillis. Our cayenne I posted a piccy of in the g/h is the tallest so far.
                              Last edited by smallblueplanet; 26-05-2008, 04:19 PM.
                              To see a world in a grain of sand
                              And a heaven in a wild flower


                              • #75
                                Well, I have just got back from Simpsons Seeds - am now proud owner of a Hungarian Hot Wax, a Jalapano, a Naga, a Fatali , and a Bulgarian Carrot (love the name!!). These will go nicely with the 3 Peach Habaneros I already had...

                                Took OH with me - he wasn't impressed by the Chilli 'Event' , was expecting more I think.... I just happy being anywhere that has plants/seeds for sale...

                                I have a new blog (life, universe and everything type stuff...) Please let me know what you think... (Updated 18th March 2009)

                                "It's still good..... It's still good....." Homer J Simpson


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