I'm planning on growing these 2 veggies this year and noticed that they have similar growing/harvesting period that extends beyond December when there's pretty much nothing else to eat from your garden.
So is it common to grow them close together? I intend to set aside an exclusive bed space for these 2 and not worry about freeing up bed space that I know isn't going to be available for a long time with these two. If I have space, I may also add swede that appears to have similar long growing period. Am I right in thinking these 3 vegetables are handy for harvesting as you need , effectively using the bed as your fridge/freezer. I have noticed that parsnips and swede don't store well once bought from shop so leaving them in the ground would be excellent veg storage solution for me.
So is it common to grow them close together? I intend to set aside an exclusive bed space for these 2 and not worry about freeing up bed space that I know isn't going to be available for a long time with these two. If I have space, I may also add swede that appears to have similar long growing period. Am I right in thinking these 3 vegetables are handy for harvesting as you need , effectively using the bed as your fridge/freezer. I have noticed that parsnips and swede don't store well once bought from shop so leaving them in the ground would be excellent veg storage solution for me.