I have acquired a large number of flower buckets from various generous sources and have been puzzling over how to pierce them without causing splits in the plastic. I have often done this with larger containers which have not come with holes made and made a mess of the bottom.
Old method was to use a screwdriver or drill (when I could find it) and was clearly too heavy handed.
New Method! Having talked the problem through with a friend and having decided that the best way was to ensure that the plastic had to remain 'sealed' (bar drainage) I have devised the following method which seems to have worked well today.
Using one of those 3-pronged hand rakes with a wooded handle - I held the prongs over a gas flame and when hot enough used the heated prongs to 'melt' 3x3sets of holes in the bottom of the bucket radiating from the centre - applying gentle pressure to guide through. No spliting and perfectly formed. Just another xx.......to go!
It goes without saying - but 'elf and safety might be watching......
Obviously only use an old hand-rake with insulation at the handle end and NEVER let the kids do it. Also don't get too close as there are some fumes which come off - if you've a mask - so much the better.
Mods - please move if this is in the wrong place - but couldn't see a more appropriate home.
Old method was to use a screwdriver or drill (when I could find it) and was clearly too heavy handed.
New Method! Having talked the problem through with a friend and having decided that the best way was to ensure that the plastic had to remain 'sealed' (bar drainage) I have devised the following method which seems to have worked well today.
Using one of those 3-pronged hand rakes with a wooded handle - I held the prongs over a gas flame and when hot enough used the heated prongs to 'melt' 3x3sets of holes in the bottom of the bucket radiating from the centre - applying gentle pressure to guide through. No spliting and perfectly formed. Just another xx.......to go!
It goes without saying - but 'elf and safety might be watching......
Obviously only use an old hand-rake with insulation at the handle end and NEVER let the kids do it. Also don't get too close as there are some fumes which come off - if you've a mask - so much the better.
Mods - please move if this is in the wrong place - but couldn't see a more appropriate home.