Was wondering if I could get some advice from you experienced lot Yet again I've bought far too many seeds and have more than I have room for So, any advice with picking which to use would be great, thanks
Golden Sunrise (normal sized, yellow)
Red Pear (small, teardrop shaped)
Tigerella (normal sized, striped)
San Marzano 2 (blocky plum shaped, raw/sauces)
Costoluto Fiorentino (large ribbed)
Gardener's Delight
erm... not sure how I ended up with 9 varieties... I have a small back garden not an allotment!
I love cherry toms so gardener's and gartenperle are definites, but I'm not sure what else to plant. I have just a small bed, enough room for 1 or 2 varieties, or can any of them go in large pots?
Same problem with courgettes... I have
Gold Rush
Black Beauty
Black Forest
Green Bush
Black Forest is a 'climber' I'll be trying, plus Gold Rush, which other would be best?
Then there's the Sweet Peppers...
California Wonder
Yolo Wonder
Sweet Mini Red (definite)
... and the hot peppers...
Meek & Mild (definite)
Jalapeno (definite)
Bolivian Rainbow
Fothergills Mixed Chillis
... and the aubergines...
Black Beauty
Mini Bambino
(the peppers/aubs will be in growbags or large pots inside a plastic greenhouse)
Erm, help me with my seed addiction?
Golden Sunrise (normal sized, yellow)
Red Pear (small, teardrop shaped)
Tigerella (normal sized, striped)
San Marzano 2 (blocky plum shaped, raw/sauces)
Costoluto Fiorentino (large ribbed)
Gardener's Delight
erm... not sure how I ended up with 9 varieties... I have a small back garden not an allotment!
I love cherry toms so gardener's and gartenperle are definites, but I'm not sure what else to plant. I have just a small bed, enough room for 1 or 2 varieties, or can any of them go in large pots?
Same problem with courgettes... I have
Gold Rush
Black Beauty
Black Forest
Green Bush
Black Forest is a 'climber' I'll be trying, plus Gold Rush, which other would be best?
Then there's the Sweet Peppers...
California Wonder
Yolo Wonder
Sweet Mini Red (definite)
... and the hot peppers...
Meek & Mild (definite)
Jalapeno (definite)
Bolivian Rainbow
Fothergills Mixed Chillis
... and the aubergines...
Black Beauty
Mini Bambino
(the peppers/aubs will be in growbags or large pots inside a plastic greenhouse)
Erm, help me with my seed addiction?