I take it 'normal' pea vareties such as Kelvedon Wonder and Feltham First dont like frost??
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When can I realistically sow peas?
Hi Seahorse,
The name of the peas I sowed is 'Carouby De Maussane', They are a 19th century French variety & grow 6ft tall, they have violet flowers & pods & can be used for mangetout as well as peas, they are suppoesed to be very sweet. They come from a company called Springfield Nurseries , Blackco. 01282 690518. I bought them from the Harrogate flower show.
I checked mine yesterday after temperatures of -7 here this week and they fine, still growing & no frost damage.
one other thing - watch out for mice! they haven't got much else to eat at this time of year and they're very partial to pea seeds and also young plants. I grow mine in pots up on staging in the greenhouse - as far as I'm aware the mice have never managed to climb the legs, though I'm sure they would if they could! The bad news is, haven't yet found a solution outside on the lottie - planted out my November-sown Meteor a few weeks ago, went up there yesterday to find them chewed down to the ground. I could have cried....God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done.
Originally posted by borage View PostThe peas I grew last year were only about 8 inches tall and didn't need support but this year I have Kevlendon wonder can anyone tell me how tall they normally grow and if they will need support please
Originally posted by Pyewacket View PostHi Seahorse,
The name of the peas I sowed is 'Carouby De Maussane', They are a 19th century French variety & grow 6ft tall, they have violet flowers & pods & can be used for mangetout as well as peas, they are suppoesed to be very sweet. They come from a company called Springfield Nurseries , Blackco. 01282 690518. I bought them from the Harrogate flower show.
Originally posted by sez View PostAny advice on when I can sow my peas (seed packets, as we know, can be a bit vague!). I have meteor, early onward and kelvedon wonder (think meteor is the earliest?). I plan on starting them off indoors in loo roll tubes, like last year, then planting out (clay soil, though its had lots of compost mixed in, and im in scunthorpe so north-ish). When's the earliest I can plant?(and would I be able to get an earlier crop with some in pots, maybe with fleece over them?)
I too would like advice regarding the mice problem
I have a short row of meteor that I overwintered, a short row of little marvel that I planted about 3 weeks ago, and I aim to plant some more of both of these over the next few weeks, following on with greensage (? - a maincrop anyway) once I run out of LM and only have a few meteor left (want to have a few for next autumn's overwintering plans!!).
I put a few oregon sugar pod (mange tout type) in loo rolls holders (the others were straight into the ground) last weekend, and will do a few more of those direct into the ground in a few weeks time.
I suspect Easter weekend will be a busy one on our plot for lots of sowing - peas, spuds, lettuces, spring onions.....
I'm trying the Thompson and Morgan Pea offer they did this year, four different varieties to crop through the year, early to late. - thought I'd give it a go, the first one is Twinkle and they're in the greenhouse now - or at least I hope they are (mice)
Originally posted by Seahorse View PostThey sound interesting pyewacket. Do you have a variety name?
I sowed Kelvedon Wonder, Latvian and Oregon Sugar Snap on New Years Day. They're still in the greenhouse but all looking ok. I'm going to plant some out soon but keep others in the g/h (just in case!).
PW gave me some Latvian peas and I put the first seedlings out yesterday, but how tall do they grow?
I've googled, and looked at the GO catalogue, but no indication of the height.
I just don't want to waste a long cane where a short cane will do.
Mine made 6 ft - I used a wigwam of canes for them.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
Originally posted by Pyewacket View PostHi Seahorse,
The name of the peas I sowed is 'Carouby De Maussane', They are a 19th century French variety & grow 6ft tall, they have violet flowers & pods & can be used for mangetout as well as peas, they are suppoesed to be very sweet. They come from a company called Springfield Nurseries , Blackco. 01282 690518. I bought them from the Harrogate flower show.
I checked mine yesterday after temperatures of -7 here this week and they fine, still growing & no frost damage.
Pyewacketi've learned from previous disasters not to plant direct into the soil, last year the mice and/or birds ate the lot.
i've got winkle that are ready to go into the lottie next week, jaguar that are coming along nicely and greensage that i planted yesterday. peas are my fav veg and i just haven't had any luck in prev years so hoping for a good one this time
Originally posted by SarzWix View PostThis nursery only seem to sell by mail-order (which is a shame as I only live about 5 miles away from them!). I've found an email address though, and sent a catalogue request
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