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  • #16
    Originally posted by helly View Post
    I know the rules of rotating crops, but will i have trouble in planting my spuds in the same bed as last year. Or am I better moving them on a bed?
    Do not grow them on the same patch of ground for at least 4 years or even longer it tends to atract eel worm if you do and the crop goe's down jacob
    What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
    Ralph Waide Emmerson


    • #17
      Thanks for that Jacob will find another bed for them


      • #18
        From Bridget's previous posts (excuse me, Bridget, for speaking about you in your absence, and forgive me if I am wrong!) she is in Northern Ireland, and it looks like she may have a farm or small holding. She has mentioned having horses and sheep etc, so it may be that 500kg of potatoes is nothing!

        Most of us here are small-fry


        • #19
          I got 10 seed potatoes of each of:

          Rocket (first early)
          Carlingford (second early)
          Edzell Blue (second early)

          It's my first time around with spuds, which will be container grown and I prefer salad potatoes so this little lot, hopefully, should keep us going.
          �The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does.�


          • #20
            That's more my level, Sirius!

            I've got:

            9 International Kidney
            13 Foremost
            20 Anya
            12 Cara

            Considering that these numbers represent a kilo of each, you can imagine how small the Anya are and how big the International Kidney!


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