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Help! which tomatoes to grow?


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  • #16
    I had a very bad year last year as the allotment flooded and killed nearly everything in the polytunnel, but I did get a few toms off my ildi plant and they were very nice indeed (yellow cherry)
    Cheers Chris

    Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.


    • #17
      SBP I want to try and grow something odd, a black tom for example. You are clearly tomato queen, so what would you recommend?
      Bob Leponge
      Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


      • #18
        Hmmm, well I suppose following on from the Finnish thread, I should suggest Black seaman, but I've never tried that one!

        The ananas noire are very tasty in a black tomato way, easy to grow and look different. Of course if you'd like your 'peculiarities' a little more subtle you could try growing 'Teton de Venus'! They were very tasty too. (No really, they were good for cooking. )

        What 'taste' of tomato do you like?
        To see a world in a grain of sand
        And a heaven in a wild flower


        • #19
          Not being Finnish, or even ever having been there, I may have to pass on that one, but being of a French disposition I think Teton de Venus could be the order of the day.
          I have a really bad sweet tooth (tooth singular, ask my kids) so cherry toms are my faves, so if there is a black cherry tom that would be the one.
          However, I want a black tom for a novelty plant, something to show the Boss and kids that toms just dont have to be red.
          If it tastes good too, then so much the better.
          Bob Leponge
          Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


          • #20
            Here's some pictures of ananas noire

            Here's the French chap I got the teton de venus off, he sells ananas noire, but isn't showing any teton de venus - you could try emailing him to see if he has any?

            10 graines de merveilleuse tomate " ANANAS NOIRE " on eBay, also L�gumes, Potager, Graines, Bulbes, Jardin, Ext�rieur, Maison, Jardin, Bricolage (end time 09-May-08 18:21:25 BST)

            Teton de Venus - tomatoes don't get any sweeter than this! Heart shaped fruits have nippled ends and hang in pairs, hence, the French name. So flavorful, with solid and very meaty flesh. It's on my top five red list.
            *Please note that oxhearts contain a wilt gene that makes their foliage appear slightly wilted, especially when young.
            Indet. 80 days

            The info about the gene is useful, cos you think you've nearly killed the baby plants but they're meant to look like that!

            There is a black cherry tomato, we're trying it this year. Black Krim taste good too.
            Last edited by smallblueplanet; 18-02-2008, 01:09 PM.
            To see a world in a grain of sand
            And a heaven in a wild flower


            • #21
              Thanks for that SBP, I will have a look for them when I get home.
              Whats the black cherry called, if I may be so bold???
              Bob Leponge
              Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


              • #22
                Black cherry.

                To see a world in a grain of sand
                And a heaven in a wild flower


                • #23
                  No, really.
                  To see a world in a grain of sand
                  And a heaven in a wild flower


                  • #24
                    No, really. ???
                    There's more to this gardening lark that meets the eye
                    Bob Leponge
                    Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                    • #25

                      Black cherry.
                      To see a world in a grain of sand
                      And a heaven in a wild flower


                      • #26
                        I will try and hunt down both of these at le gc when I get back, black cherry's look good. Any ideas of sweetness etc?
                        Bob Leponge
                        Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                        • #27
                          I grew 8 type of heirloom tomatoes last year SBP. 3 of them are in your list :Black chery, Japanese Black Trifele and Marmande. Sadly I can't tell you how their taste were as they were blighted first . I will surely be growing them again this year to have the taste test my self... will let you know if it happen .

                          How about white oxheart tomato SBP ? for your extra collections .
                          I grow, I pick, I eat ...


                          • #28
                            Ohh nooo! Don't fancy white tomatoes momol. Thats a step too odd for me!

                            Yeah we grew lots on the above list last year, but tasted almost none of them. Of the ones we tried the previous year Black Krim and Ananas Noire will be grown this year. Along with Nyagous, the Russian tomat (I will get its name translated!), Paul Robeson, Japanese Trifele and black cherry. Oh gawd where's the rest of 'em gonna grow!

                            Got some Principe borghese and Costoluto, so they're on the list to grow.....

                            I've nearly stopped buying/swapping!
                            Last edited by smallblueplanet; 18-02-2008, 02:54 PM.
                            To see a world in a grain of sand
                            And a heaven in a wild flower


                            • #29
                              I fancy trying some white tomato as they were said to be less acidic (plus I have sweet tooth ).
                              The Voyage tomato (hmmm... the one you called Haemorrhoid !) is said to be acidic, I will drop him from my wish list but still like it's shape though .
                              Last edited by momol; 18-02-2008, 07:17 PM.
                              I grow, I pick, I eat ...


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by pigletwillie View Post
                                We are growing

                                Bloody butcher
                                Rio grande

                                and an unamed black heritage jobbie from a french market that tasted exqusite so we saved some seeds.

                                In addition I may sow a few

                                pink brandywine

                                With so many tomato varieties resistance is futile.
                                Won't you be trying Mountain Pride then pw? I can really recommend them.



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