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Success with early planting?


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  • #16
    We're having lovely balmy days, but frost at night. It is way, way too early (for me, anyroad) to be sowing anything except sweet pea and broad bean.
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #17
      Sowed some mange-tout, spinach, brassica ( mainly mustards and igloo cauli) and some chilies & spring onions a week or so ago.
      Today sowed 2 topepo rosso pepper too. I aware that it will be a bit early for brassicas but it is part of curing my itchy fingers syndrome plus they are only 3 cell per type and if it doesn't work, I am ready to sow again .
      I grow, I pick, I eat ...


      • #18
        Hi LimeandGuinness welcome to the vine

        nothing ventured nothing gained
        i agree i put mine in greenhouse and some in ground with fleece covering them. its trial & error
        Smile and the world smiles with you


        • #19
          I've got similar conditions to Two_Sheds, but have successfully transferred a handful of very early sowings to a frost-free greenhouse (they are two weeks old):

          Advantage cabbage
          Duncan cabage
          Mayflower cauli
          Graffiti cauli

          the lettuce I sowed is looking healthy, but probably too etiolated to be any good in the long run so I shall sow again this weekend.

          By the way, as spring comes along, it is heat that can be your enemy not just the cold... I have cooked many a baby seedling in the greenhouse

          not deliberately, you understand


          • #20
            I planted some tomatoes early, and they have been fine, im still debating how early i can put other veg in, i was hoping to get two crops in this year.


            • #21
              i'm having great fun, like everyone else tempted by the warm days i've been sowing loads. but since my greenhouse isn't heated i put them in the house at night and greenhouse during the day. it's not an ideal arrangement since there is quite a bit to move!


              • #22
                me again. out of interest if you have a tray that doesn't germinate do you bin compost and start again or do you just pop new seed in? i ask because i have some old helianthus seed that doesn't look as if it's going anywhere and am wondering which i will do?


                • #23
                  Re my list earlier on the page, I am reliably informed by the boss that everything has sprouted (except the melons) and is doing well. During the sunniest hour or two of the day, they sit outside on the picnic table (with frequent checks to make sure our free range chickens dont get a freeby meal) and then back to kitchen windowsill.
                  My greenhouse will be up and running in about a fortnight and then all will be in there all day and home in the evenings.
                  Here's hoping
                  Bob Leponge
                  Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                  • #24
                    I have sown:
                    sweet peppers (nothing yet)
                    cauliflower (sprouting nicely)
                    broccoli (sprouting nicely)
                    tomatoes (nothing yet, but only went in last week)
                    mini cucumbers (nothing yet, but only went in last week)

                    Today I put in:
                    mint, coriander and cayenne peppers.

                    Everything is in the greenhouse.


                    We sow the seed, nature grows the seed, we eat the seed. (Neil, The Young Ones)



                    • #25
                      Today, I joined in with...(all, bar the garlic in my new greenhouse)

                      Lettuce (A variety thereof)
                      Chantenay Carrots in a tub
                      Cabbage Tundra
                      Spring Onion

                      Here's hoping......
                      Last edited by Yuccaman; 16-02-2008, 07:13 PM.
                      Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're probably right!


                      • #26
                        Still to early for me. I don't have any way of keeping them all happy once germination has taken place. They will all go leggy and fall over. So i think i will wait a little longer.
                        "He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart"


                        • #27
                          I made a hotbed as per instructions in GYO and the Little gem, radish beetroot rocket carrot spring onion have all come up, I've planted loads in trays too and the are sitting between the rows on the hot bed. melons aubergines and cucumbers have all come through and are now living on the window sill. Peppers and chillis are still in the airing cupboard. I'm waiting for my seed order to arrive should be here soon


                          • #28
                            Did any of the early sowings (see above threads) come to owt?
                            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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