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Roguelands - seed company or real rogues?


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  • Roguelands - seed company or real rogues?

    Hi folks

    Has anyone had anything to do with Roguelands Seed Company (also I ordered some seeds in January, they have taken my money and the order tracking system says they've been despatched but they've never arrived.

    I have twice written to their customer line and had no response at all. Is this a coincidence or am I a victim?

    I'd appreciate any experiences you guys have had?




  • #2
    Hi T-lady
    just had a look at their website and it says they have recently moved to Oregon, wonder if your order has got lost in the move? Sorry this is probs not much help but I do hope you manage to get it sorted, keep us updated.
    Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


    • #3
      Roguelands (odd name?) has had recent negative feedback

      The scoop on 'Roguelands Heirloom Vegetable Seeds Company ('

      A couple of years ago I bought some seeds off ebay (maybe from seedfest) that were labelled Roguelands when they turned up - they were good seeds, I guess its whether they turn up or not?
      Last edited by smallblueplanet; 13-02-2008, 09:48 AM.
      To see a world in a grain of sand
      And a heaven in a wild flower


      • #4
        I remember reading a thread on these on another forum. Same problem with no seeds or replies to emails. People either claimed their money back, or those who persevered did eventually get their seeds, sometimes with freebies added.
        Will see if I can find it for you.


        • #5
          Hmmmmm. I ordered from them about 18 months ago, and when the seeds turned up, they were fine, with good germination.

          But, and this is a big BUT, the seeds took ages to arrive, and I had to chase the company a couple of times. If I hadn't chased them, I don't know whether the seeds would have arrived at all. I did get replies to my emails eventually, so I would persevere with emailing them.

          I'd say, they do some amazing prices on seeds, especially on their bulk packs, but, don't order unless you can afford to write off the cash....
          All at once I hear your voice
          And time just slips away
          Bonnie Raitt


          • #6
            I just got there offer 100 packs for $15 and am very happy with the packets supplied and the service given.

            Sorry �15 not $15
            Last edited by crichmond; 13-02-2008, 10:30 AM.
            Cheers Chris

            Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.


            • #7
              Originally posted by crichmond
              I just got their offer 100 packs for $15....

              I'm glad I didn't see that!
              To see a world in a grain of sand
              And a heaven in a wild flower


              • #8
                Rougelands... weren't they the ones that took over from Seeds for Sucess?

                I wasn't impressed with them. I bought seeds frowhen it was Seeds for Success but my seed order was transfered to Rougelands and I waited ages and ages for my seeds. They did turn up and the seeds themselves were fine and I got a couple of freebies, but I had to chase the order quite a few times...

                I must stress here that Seeds for Success was fine, I ordered garlic from him too and when SFS dealt with the order I got them in really good time etc. It's Rougelands I was unimpressed with

                "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


                • #9
                  PLEASE STAY OFF THIS COMPANY!!!!

                  Yes I made an order with them last year around Sep/Oct but almost 2 months or so when no order arrived, I took action with my credit card who kindly arranged a refund so I think the CC is still the big boss who can bully the billing agent (who collects money on Rogueland behalf) into refunding. Around this stressful time, another Grapes Momol said had similar incident of no order delivery but charged. The 'despatched or shipped status' against your order on their site doesn't mean anything! It's just a deviation.

                  I think the clue is in the name that this company is not to be trusted. Custotmers from as far as New Zealand also have been cheated after reading company profile from the American Dave's Garden forum.

                  I have already posted my bad dealings with them in previous thread below:

                  Last edited by veg4681; 13-02-2008, 11:12 AM.
                  Food for Free


                  • #10

                    I have, of course, paid by credit card so I'll have to do what you did veg4681. Mind you, a few people on the link sent by smallblueplanet did say that they got their seeds but it took a while.

                    The order tracker says that they were despatched on 11/1/8 and that's when they took payment - maybe I should wait a few weeks until I claim? Thank heavens it's only for �6 ish and not one of my more ill-advised seed frenzies (seed catalogues are FAR too addictive).




                    • #11
                      Originally posted by T-lady View Post

                      I have, of course, paid by credit card so I'll have to do what you did veg4681. Mind you, a few people on the link sent by smallblueplanet did say that they got their seeds but it took a while.

                      The order tracker says that they were despatched on 11/1/8 and that's when they took payment - maybe I should wait a few weeks until I claim? Thank heavens it's only for �6 ish and not one of my more ill-advised seed frenzies (seed catalogues are FAR too addictive).

                      Maybe the order will arrive, maybe they won't and even if they do, that's may be because you pestered them into delivering. Seriously what a joke! So people who got charged but received nothing and did nothing deserve to lose out isn't fair at all. I still wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. I expect the sort of efficient service that SBP got out of that French site 123seed, not worrying over whether it will arrive or not.

                      I'd give them some time of what you think is fair amount of waiting before contacting your CC for a refund, it's not the value of money involved, it's the principle (& unnecessary anxiety caused). I think there is a 90 or 100 days guarantee against CC purchase but may be a limit to the value.
                      Food for Free


                      • #12
                        Personally I found it annoying that I didn't buy from Rougelands. I bought from SFS. When it was 'sold' (or whatever was done) to Rougelands I was a bit peeved that SFS didn't honour my seed sale themselves and my order was already fairly late by then..

                        As I say, I did get my order eventually, just not from whom I originally ordered from, and after some chasing. I wouldn't have ordered from Rougelands myself as I don't see the point in buying from the USA things that I can buy much more locally, but then I didn't end up with the choice

                        "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


                        • #13
                          Hi T Lady,

                          I ordered from SEEDFEST (UK site) around oct or november 2006. We waited for months and sent them couples of e mails, they did reply our first 2 e mails, 1st e mail said that they were busy due to moving to the state, a month later came their 2nd mail said that they was busy (again) due to Xmas and New Year 2007 after that nothing else come (no e mail nor the seeds)... we waited for months and give it up and by that time it was over 3 months and we could no longer alarm our bank (paid with credit card)!
                          They took our payment but never sent the seeds !!! The choice is yours really, I personally will never order from it again nor recommending it.
                          I grow, I pick, I eat ...


                          • #14
                            I bought from both and Rougelands - all the same company plus other names - see Daves Garden, a google will find the site.
                            My experience was good, I did the 50 packs for �15. Didn't have to wait too long. I told Veggi who then ordered and had a bad experience.
                            It is a bit of a lucky dip with them so I wouldn't di it again. I also changed my rating of them on Davesgarden.

                            Best advice is DON'T RISK IT. I don't think that they are criminal rather inefficient. Whatever you may lose your money or at least have to wait ages.


                            • #15
                              Brief update – I took this up with Rogueland’s payment company who emailed me today to say that Rogueland’s have despatched the goods again. I’m not going to hold my breath but the clock has been reset!

                              Incidentally, despite a positive snowstorm of emails, Rogueland’s never responded to me at all (some customer service huh?)



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