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Atention on Chile Pepper Growers - is now live!!


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  • Atention on Chile Pepper Growers - is now live!!

    Hello Everyone,

    Ive been reading the chile peppers related threads with interest and though you might be interested in a chile pepper website I have just launched.

    A web designer friend and I have spent the last 6 months or so developing THE WORLDS MOST COMPREHENSIVE, FULLY ILLUSTRATED CHILE PEPPER DATABASE for the benefit of all chile enthusiasts and new growers inparticular.


    The database contains detailed information on over 3500 varieties (yes, three and a half thousand varieties!) as well as over 2500 illustrations to help you learn more about these fantastic plants, give you some ideas of what to grow & identify what your growing. The database can be searched by name,alaphbet, species, heat level and country of origin/association (or a combination of all of these).

    We have also put together a wide selection of detailed guides on everything you need to know on Chile peppers; from transplanting seeds, through to nurturing these fantastic plants and preparing mouth watering recipes.

    If that�s not enough, were also running a competition THE WHIPPETS TAIL CHALLENGE. Hopefully it will provide a bit of entertainment and there are prizes available. Further details are on the site. Let me know if you would like to take part.

    The site is under constant development and content is being added on a weekly basis. Look out for exclusive guest articles from many of the worlds top chiles growers and authors who will be imparting their words of wisdom on all aspects of chile growing on the site in the months ahead.

    We hope you enjoy the site and would welcome your feedback on both the sites current content and your wishes for future development.

    To avoid being spammed, the feedback section is at the bottom of the database search page.

  • #2
    Nice site - wish you the best of luck!


    • #3
      thanks I will check out your site. Although I hope you will stick around on this forum and offer your expansive expertise in chili growing.


      • #4
        Great site, hugh variety. Its an encouragement to grow more of these peppers especially with so much info on site. Good luck.

        And when your back stops aching,
        And your hands begin to harden.
        You will find yourself a partner,
        In the glory of the garden.

        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


        • #5
          thankyou for that...just what we needed!!!
          So much to choose from and no idea what we are choosing!!

          Please keep in touch for future advice!!!
          My plants are so slow this year that I shall try and keep them over winter and see what we can produce next spring now that I know they can be perenniels!!
          Last year was good but I now realise that you need to start off in ????Feb to get summer producing plants??
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • #6
            I'd also heard that some peppers can be over-wintered. I don't have a heated greenhouse are there any varieties that are easier than others to over-winter??

            I realise this is a bit early, but fore-warned..etc!

            Is there a section on your site dealing with over-wintering?
            To see a world in a grain of sand
            And a heaven in a wild flower


            • #7
              Hi Manda,

              Although in theory all chle peppers can be overwintered (as they are perennials not annuals), in practice it is definately a hit and miss affair.

              I find that many of the Pubscens varieties which can tolerate cooler conditions over winter well. Ive also had great success with Tepin. Im hoping to do a guide to overwintering when I get some free tiome to write it. In the mean time, their is a little more on overwintering (and other rants) in the 2006 journal section here:


              hope your plants are grwoing true and strong



              • #8
                Brill web-site! I was a bit late this year in getting any chilli plants/seeds sown. Re: over wintering - could I plant a couple of seeds just to see how they get on? Do you/are you planning to sell seeds/plants through your site? Final question: I once saw a programme with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and a couple of chaps who were into chillis BIG time - its not you by any chance is it? Good luck with the site - dexterdog
                Bernie aka DDL

                Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                • #9
                  Dexterdog the people on River Cottage who grew chillies are Michael and Joy Michaud and their site is


                  • #10
                    Thanks Lesley. There was also a programme a few years ago, called TV Dinners I think and there were two chaps who lived, ate and breathed chillis! Will give the website a go for the River Cottage chilli people. Best wishes dexterdog
                    Bernie aka DDL

                    Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                    • #11
                      Hi Dexter,

                      Its probably a bit late to plant chillis for a crop thise season unless you are planning to overwinter them. Im glad you like the site, it was a mad idea which seems to have got a little out of hand.

                      The site is a hobby an Im not planning to make it into a commercial enterprise although I have been selling some seed for the legendary Naga Morich pepper (reputed to be the worlds hottest) to fund the sites hosting costs.

                      If you want me to help you out with some chiles seeds, just drop me a mail

                      Youve got to grow some chiles - they are fantastic and very tasty and addictive



                      • #12
                        Hi Mark - many thanks for the advice! Yep, managed to buy a couple of chilli plants from the nursery and they are doing really well! Very pleased. Guess Im a couple (?) of weeks behind everyone else but its really nice to see lots of little flowers in bud, dropping off.......and thats as far as Ive got....can just about see the chillies growing! SO exciting! If I need a few seeds, I'll be in touch.
                        Bernie aka DDL

                        Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                        • #13
                          Hi Dexter

                          The hot weather in Darlington (UK) has certainilty been bringing my plants on a treat in the last few weeks. Ive just updated thechileman blog (2006 journal) to document this seasons progress. Amongst the latest entries are:

                          1. Lots of pics of this seasons first pods
                          2. The Magical Manzano (and a little more info on the Capsicum Pubescens
                          3. Chile Flowers and blossom Drop


                          All the best and happy growing



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