What is safe to start off in my unheated greenhouse.
I have peas and beans which I will be starting off this weekend as new seed houses have arrived which will go inside my greenhouse.
I also have several varieties of tomato, aubergine, courgette, pepper, chilli, cucumber, dwarf french bean and runner bean, lettuce, radish, onion, cabbage, turnip, swede, beetroot, leek, brocolli, carrot, etc.
I dont want to start things off then be caught out with well developed plants being frosted to death. I know the peas and beans will be ok (grew them last year) but not sure about the other stuff
I have a 6 x 12ft greenhouse with a 6 x 8ft coming in a couple of weeks. I dont have much room inside the house to start things off but do have one large (fits 2 seed trays in)and two small (fits one seed tray) unheated propagators, two windowsill propagators (30 cells ech), and a couple of root trainers with lids. I am also stocking up on fleece just in case - great bargain at poundland �1 per 6m x 1m, they also have some plastic cloches in as well which are on my list.
I have peas and beans which I will be starting off this weekend as new seed houses have arrived which will go inside my greenhouse.
I also have several varieties of tomato, aubergine, courgette, pepper, chilli, cucumber, dwarf french bean and runner bean, lettuce, radish, onion, cabbage, turnip, swede, beetroot, leek, brocolli, carrot, etc.
I dont want to start things off then be caught out with well developed plants being frosted to death. I know the peas and beans will be ok (grew them last year) but not sure about the other stuff
I have a 6 x 12ft greenhouse with a 6 x 8ft coming in a couple of weeks. I dont have much room inside the house to start things off but do have one large (fits 2 seed trays in)and two small (fits one seed tray) unheated propagators, two windowsill propagators (30 cells ech), and a couple of root trainers with lids. I am also stocking up on fleece just in case - great bargain at poundland �1 per 6m x 1m, they also have some plastic cloches in as well which are on my list.