please some one give me some hope to say I should stay organic! I inherited a patch with my house/farm in aug 2005. i cleared the 170 sq.m plot by hand and developed raised wide beds with paths in between. I planted cabbages, beans, carrots, parsnps, kohl Rabi, Spinach and Chard varieties. i already had a 6sq.m asparagus patch. BUT slugs are decimating it. I hand pick-off twice daily 20-40 slugs each time 9mainly the asparagus and cabbages), there's virtually nothing left. I understand that nemaslug will take weeks to start working and there will be nothing left. All the "root" seeds above have failed - i think eaten as soon as emerging. My rows are bird-netted and so slug pellets would not enter the food chain - what would be the downside to do this to keep my crops alive till nemaslug gets to work??
yours despairing ADAM
yours despairing ADAM