In past years in Gloucestershire, I'd started to plant seeds on windowsill by now and they wold be on the way to the non heated greenhouse. Now we're in Aberdeenshire I'm waiting and watching. The bed is dug over with manure, the greenhouse is still waiting for partial roof recoverage. First two attempts didn't measure up. I've bought some more windowsill propagators, I've compost ready. My tatties are slowly chitting in trays under garage window. Now it's snowed a litle again and is supposed to turn cold. Yet i know there's people on grape vine north of me and with stuff growing. Has anyone any advice on when to start, all the advice I've found tends to be southern english climate. I'm trying hard not to start only for seedlings to freeze a few weeks on after anothr cold spell. thanks FMN
In past years in Gloucestershire, I'd started to plant seeds on windowsill by now and they wold be on the way to the non heated greenhouse. Now we're in Aberdeenshire I'm waiting and watching. The bed is dug over with manure, the greenhouse is still waiting for partial roof recoverage. First two attempts didn't measure up. I've bought some more windowsill propagators, I've compost ready. My tatties are slowly chitting in trays under garage window. Now it's snowed a litle again and is supposed to turn cold. Yet i know there's people on grape vine north of me and with stuff growing. Has anyone any advice on when to start, all the advice I've found tends to be southern english climate. I'm trying hard not to start only for seedlings to freeze a few weeks on after anothr cold spell. thanks FMN