Hi there
I am very new to this but I ordered and got my maincrop spuds about a month ago and stored them under cover in my understair cupboard. I looked at them this morning and they have all chitted much more than my earlies that I put out in the light! whats worse some have really long - about 3" - white shoots! Isnt it too early to plant these? I dont know what to do now.. hope i dont have to chuck them..
I am very new to this but I ordered and got my maincrop spuds about a month ago and stored them under cover in my understair cupboard. I looked at them this morning and they have all chitted much more than my earlies that I put out in the light! whats worse some have really long - about 3" - white shoots! Isnt it too early to plant these? I dont know what to do now.. hope i dont have to chuck them..
