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I had to give in and use slug pellets...


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  • #16
    what a great idea, take your commercial waste (ie coffee grounds) and tell a well-intentioned motivated population that it will help their cause to take it away for you and dispose of it free. i might try it with clinical waste as orgaic fertiliser. i am just being sceptic - I know it is good in your compost but counts as a "green" element
    Digging Doc


    • #17
      Think I have to agree with you Adam. I don't believe Starbucks have any concern for the welfare of what lives in our gardens or the wider environment. Think it is a ploy, which costs them nothing, to portray themselves in the best light to an increasingly environmentally aware population. I don't think I'm cynical - but neither am I drinking it all in like soup - or Srarbucks coffee !!

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


      • #18
        The only way I have found of getting rid of slugs is going round with a bucket and collecting the little blighters. Found a particularly cheeky snail tonight brazenly sitting in full view on a cabbage leaf munching away!!!


        • #19
          On another thread(can't remember which one now),little boy on chelsea flower show used porridge oats. He gave grafic description of the slugs eating it,and swelling and drying out.


          • #20
            Originally posted by lyndap
            On another thread(can't remember which one now),little boy on chelsea flower show used porridge oats. He gave grafic description of the slugs eating it,and swelling and drying out.
            I wonder if ready brek or oats so simple would work? - got a few boxes left over from the winter time (must control myself when it is buy one get one free)


            • #21
              Well I am going to have to give in and use pellets. It wasnt so bad when they were just eating the leaves but now they are chomping on my broad bean pods and that is just not on.


              • #22
                I've been using the garlic barrier & coffee grounds as well as a slug pub & hand collecting & thought I was getting on top of it until I went out yesterday afternoon when it was warm & showery & found slugs & snails appearing everywhere but I am still not going to use pellets, I just rounded them all up in a bag & threw it in the bin!
                Into every life a little rain must fall.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by SueA
                  I started a thread asking if anyone knew any slug-proof plants especially edibles but no-one could think of any crop which slugs don't like!
                  I always why they bother crossing my entire plot to get to my crops, when there are literally hundreds of tasty young weeds they could tuck into!


                  • #24
                    My young parsnips seem to be unaffected by the little munchers. I read somewhere that parsnip leaves are poisonous. Has anyone else noticed the same, or have my parsnips just been lucky?!

                    Dwell simply ~ love richly


                    • #25
                      I've never tried parsnips Birdie I might give them a try next year, mind you rhubarb leaves are poisonous too & the slugs still eat them- maybe they're immune?Attaching pics. of two of the beauties I found in the garden this week.
                      Attached Files
                      Into every life a little rain must fall.


                      • #26
                        put yucca leaves in a blender ,whiz it round and add water,slugs dont like taste or smell.water around plants,


                        • #27
                          Beauties, SueA, Real beauties. And beautiful pics too. Thanks for sharing them.

                          From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


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