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advice please


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  • advice please

    hiya i have just joined the forum so this is all new to me growing veg etc i have purchased some seeds like mixed radish,lettuce mixed,carrots,tomato gardener's delight, and spring onions white lisbon,,my question is i do not have a green house my garden is not huge either but can i grow or start these of in tubs in my kitchen window? i have also read that you can use loo roll inners can i use these for starting my veg off? and also can i use muller light yoghurt pots? The other question i have is i have a old wendy house which is no longer in use anymore it is big enough to get inside although it has windows but they are perspex can i use this to grow my plants in until i can plant outside sorry for all the questions just new to all this and wondered if you can help me...
    thanks in advance

  • #2
    hello,welcome to the vine!from one newbie to another this is a great place to get all the answers to whatever you need to know,as I 've already found out,it's also great fun.As to growing stuff on window sills,it's a great place to start stuff off,especially this time of year and loo rolls are really good plant pots,great for things that don't like their roots being disturbed too much(sweetpeas) and I would give anything a go to grow things in. The whole thing with gardening is trial and error and if it works for you,brilliant! Having said that,I'd just make sure any container you use has enough space for decent root growth.Gardening for me involves economy and lots of improvisation.I can't see the point in spending loads of money of fancy containers--it defeats the object. Good luck,happy growing!!You'll soon be hooked.
    Gardening forever- housework whenever


    • #3
      Hello Loux, and welcome to the vine.
      Radish-sow direct when weather improves very quick crop anyway.
      Carrots- most varieties (except shallow ones parmex and paris mkt etc. that might work in modules) sow direct too as they cannot be transplanted.
      Lettuce- There are many varieties- some cut and come again but they tend to bolt with root disturbance so the best way is to sow a few in small pots and thin out the weeklings and plant the whole rootball carefully and firmly. little and often is the rule as there are only so many you can eat in a week and they go over quick.
      White lisbon- yes you can start in pots- sow thinly 10/12 to a muller pot and plant out in bunches. again though easier direct.
      Toms- this is fine in pots sow a few in you muller tub and then put a couple of lolly sticks in and seal it over with a sandwich bag and laccy band till they're up. Best on a light warm windowsill inside.
      Loo rolls can be used for crops that don't like root disturbance- usually sweetcorn or parsnips but i find they go mouldy
      Yogut pots are ok but drill holes in the bottom for drainage.
      that it?
      you can always ask again here


      • #4
        Oh year wendy house..better for kids than plants. Lack of light will probablymean tall pale week plants. See if you can swap it for a greenhouse with someone.


        • #5
          thankyou all i am going to plant the spring onions and toms tomorrow will go and get some compost will wait for the weather to improve then before planting the others hopefully it wont be long before that happens so excited about growing my own just want to start as soon as possible..will do that about the wendyhouse but cannot see me getting a greenhouse i just do not have the room was just trying to make best of it being there anyhow thanks


          • #6
            Hi loux and a huge welcome to the Vine!
            You don't need a greenhouse to grow veg - I didn't have one my first year and used a couple of those little plastic greenhouses you can get from wilkos or B&Q etc for a few �. Sow your seeds and give it a go1 Best wishes Bernie
            Bernie aka DDL

            Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


            • #7
              thankyou bernie i will i am sure i will let everyone know when i have grown something



              • #8
                welcome to the forum,for under a �1 you can buy a clear plastic lid to turn a seed tray into an unheated propagater,or cheaper still place inside a poly bag,the larger yogurt pot and margarine containers also make good pots ,with the addition of a hole in the bottom.i wonder if you can ,use the bottom half of plastic milk containers,you learn to look at throw away containers in a new light,mushroom punnets,the deep plastic boxs that joints of meat come in from the supamarket,and not to forget,ask your shops that sell flowers if they have any flower buckets they not want,as they are a very good size,i am using some at the minuit to keep smaller pots in in the lounge,that way it keeps the carpet clean,have fun and enjoy.
                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                • #9
                  I don't think you have to have a greenhouse -although as mentioned even one of those plastic zip up things would help. Its just a lot of people with young kids don't want a green house but do want a wendy house thought a swap would be cool...only a silly idea!


                  • #10
                    hi and welcome to the vine loux. I also just have a mini plastic greenhouse and two very wide windowsills downstairs, they all seem to do the trick, but as some veg can be planted out just now(with a little protection), I'm sure you'll do fine with seed going straight out. I also use plastic bottles cut in half as mini propagators. I use alot of loo rolls, and I read somewhere on the vine that if you microwave them first then they don't go mouldy! will need to give that a try! good luck loux.
                    "A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does stand on two legs."


                    • #11
                      thankyou everyone i will look around to see what i can find to grow my veg in


                      • #12
                        ..will do that about the wendyhouse but cannot see me getting a greenhouse i just do not have the room was just trying to make best of it being there anyhow thanks

                        I've got very little space and only have one of those small plastic greenhouses. Only cost �10 and I have found it really handy.
                        Do it! Life's too short



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