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Planting out pre-germinated parsnip seed


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  • #31
    After much trial and error, I now pregerminate my parsnips and then sow directly into their final positions, no loo rolls no faffing about.

    I have found that the pregerminating ensures that only viable seed is sown, which grows quickly so they dont get swamped with weeds. In addition by binning the bog rolls, I now get virtually all of my parsnips looking like parsnips rather than ending up with a good proportion all stumpy and fingered.


    • #32
      Without reading this thread I have also come up with exactly the same conclusion, I thought, hey, me and PW ...great minds etc... then I noticed he thought of it a year before me

      Oh well at least I agree with him. I have sowed a few in tubes this year, but plan to sow the rest out after germinating, sometime in April, no rush I don't want them huge, I also plan to sow some in June to see what they turn out like.
      "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

      Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


      • #33
        I also sow my main crop in April, a few in march for earlies too. Last year being all wet and horrid, some came out of the ground like rocket launchers, far too big. With that in mind I will succession sow through April, May and June.


        • #34
          I've starting mine out on kitchen roll today. Hopefully i'll get the germinated ones in long paper tubes so they'll be ready to pop in when my beds are ready!!

          Fingers crossed!
          Serene she stand amid the flowers,
          And only count lifes sunny hours,
          For her dull days do not exist,
          Evermore the optimist


          • #35
            see now we have had no trouble at all with our parsnips. We just sowed them direct, watered and we are still pulling them (though they are a bit woody now) We did nothing at all and got 100% germination. We are using the same method this year and saving the loo rolls for the sweetcorn.
            We plant the seed, nature grows the seed, we eat the seed - Neil, The Young Ones

            Updated 21st July - please take a look


            • #36
              Oooop I've left it too late then! Well I planted some germinated seeds out in planters with fleece over the top, but he ones that germinated a few days later were put into loo rolls, there roots are now out the bottom! Oh well, I'll have some forked parsnips now!!


              • #37
                Interesting thread.

                I am growing parsnips for the first time this year and have taken the advice from another thread and sowed them in rolled up newspaper filled with compost.

                Out of 24 I have got 19 that have come through. Have not planted them yet though and just learned about the root to leaf ratio so am off to the plot tomorrow to follow Pigletwillie's advice and hope to avoid forked roots!

                Also gonna try planting some in a few lengths of cut up drainpipes I have by way of an experiment.


                • #38
                  Im a pre chitter and bung them in girl


                  • #39
                    This will be my 3rd year growing parsnips, first year was a success but last year I only ended up with about 10 parsnips and that was out of 2 different packets.
                    So this year I'll try the pre germinating them instead of loo rolls.
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • #40
                      Hip Hip Hazzah

                      I sowed 6 jiffy 7s with snoop seeds last week and they are up. So, I can put them straight into the ground - after loosening the soil underneath and adding some sand in.

                      They're going into the onion bed. I'll sow some carrots in pinches at the same time.


                      • #41
                        Hello! My first time on the forum... just done the old kitchen towel,ice cream tub stuff for my parsnip seed thanks to all your wonderful advice, but thought I would try some seed in a seed sprouter to see what happens - has anyone else had a go with this method?


                        • #42
                          My parsnip seeds have just turned up and some of them have been put on kitchen towel hopefully to pre-germinate

                          A novice but keen to learn

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                          • #43
                            Have planted out one lot of loo rolls and have another lot to go out later today. I also use PW's method of dibbing a large hole about 12" deep part filling with sifted MPC and then putting the loo roll in the top of the hole.



                            • #44
                              if i use loo rolls, how long before the root will start to show out of the bottom?
                              how long are parsnips when they're fully grown and nice (before they get woody etc)?
                              i hate parsnips, but others like them so will try growing some - and got to try making parsnip wine too ......


                              • #45
                                I saved seed from one of my parsnips in '07. Last year I sowed two rows up the allotment which gave us lots, also they self seeded in the garden near where the "mother" plant had been. Sharing the broad bean patch. Lovely sweet roasted parsnips-nothing like them!!
                                Wonder what will happen this year?


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