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puzzled by moon planting


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  • puzzled by moon planting

    im puzzled by moon planting because it seems to contradict its self. which method do fellow grapes use the sidereal cycle or the synodic cycle (waxing and waning) and which gets the better results.
    my plot march 2013

    hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better

  • #2
    Could never see what I was doing!

    I think you would be wise to get a biodynamic calender if you interested in that. No expert myself as I follow the 'when i can fit it in around running a business, kids and cricket and English weather calender myself' but there are phases for roots and flower and leaf crops etc.


    • #3
      I get the moon (lunaire) gardening mags given away free with my other gardening mags every year and I even have the information in my French gardening diary.

      I've never really got a grip of it tho, I tend to go with the olds round here who use the Saint's days as markers for the triggers to do things in their gardens.
      Last edited by TonyF; 26-03-2008, 05:52 PM.
      TonyF, Dordogne 24220


      • #4
        I am doing a trial of Moon planting; by the days as determined by a mix of both cycles [not wanting to confuse you even more].

        I do use it when I can, for sowing, and planting out - but if a job need doing and it needs doing right away ie a decent day and rain forecast for the week], then it gets done.

        I am posting my trial on my blog here; so will have my personal results later in the year.
        Last edited by zazen999; 26-03-2008, 07:35 PM.


        • #5
          Try this, it may help you Moon Gardening Calendar
          Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


          • #6
            I'm doing the plain synodic (waxing and waning) cycle, as I don't believe in all the astrological stuff that goes into the biodynamic calendar. As a biologist, though, I know that many animals' behaviour is controlled by the moon's cycle, so why not plants too?

            I found a good, clear explanation of it online here:

              Traditional Moon Planting by Aussie Organic Gardening

            (The blog is Australian, so the calendar advertised on the site won't be any use to most Grapes, but the article itself is very good.)

            My Filofax diary has all the moon phases marked in it, so it was simple to copy out the dates into my gardening folder. I like the fact that it helps you to spread tasks out across the month, so you don't feel like you have to get everything done at once.


            • #7
              im going to use the sidereal cycle and see how it pans out
              my plot march 2013

              hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better


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