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Sowing Peas


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  • Sowing Peas


    I am going to sow some peas (kelvedon wonder) in some 40 cell modules today and transplant them when they have developed a bit as i layed some beer traps the other week and the slugs that were there we unbelievable.

    Would it be ok to transplant them?
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  • #2
    Peas don't like root disturbance at all....and the roots will be out the bottom and attached to your capillary matting before you know it. Much better in lengths of guttering then slide the whole lot into a trench....if you look back we have discussed this method quite often.

    Also the down side of beer traps is that they seem to kill many ground beetles too....It is usually birds, mice and pea weevil that are a bigger enemy of your peas anyway
    Last edited by Paulottie; 27-03-2008, 07:22 AM.


    • #3
      Peas don't really like being transplanted, (that's why some sow them in gutters, so they can just slide the whole lot into a furrow, without fiddling with the roots) and they like a long root run - think toilet roll length. The whole loo roll can be planted out without disturbing the roots.
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