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The "no more parsnip germination threads" thread


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  • #31
    Originally posted by Herbgardener View Post
    Adminny people - would it be possible next year to have sections for certain types of veg.. I'm thinking parsnips, toms, courgettes as some of the prime cadidates and get grapes to volunteer to keep them under review and do an faq sort of thing??
    That sounds like quite a good idea. What i wouldn't like is to have loads of sticky threads at the top, because it ends up filling the first page of the section. I've seen forums where thats happened before and its not pretty.


    • #32
      i am ok and do search but sometimes cant be ar**d to read through reams of threads and posts just to come up with something which i didnt want ...much better to spend the time doing the practicalities, and also a lot of people are very busy now and should be encouraged to start or keep on growing.
      So why should anyone be ar**d to keep writing the same thing over and over again when they are also busy? I think your off-hand comment shows how little people care for the time taken to give advice and information, and, frankly, how lazy people are.

      I shall busy myself doing other things in future beacuse I'm not sure I can be ar**d either.


      • #33
        So do you put the parsnips in loo rolls or what then?


        • #34
          take a piece of damp kitchen paper,sprinkle some parsnip seeds on to it,place inside a poly bag,from reading the other parsnip threads,it can take anything from a week{if you lucky} to several,this will start them to chit,that means it will put out a tiny white root,at this stage,fill a loo roll middle with compost,make a slight hole and drop the chitted seed in,the rolls will go a bit mouldy,but is o/k,after a while you see the seed come to top of the compost followed by the 2 seed leaves,keep an eye on the underside for the tap root,if the root is restricted the parsnip will most likely be distorted,the idea is you can plant it straight in the ground and the cardboard should disintigrate,however,some are getting the seed to chit,then planting straight out into their growing place,i only joined the forum recently myself,the information i have got is what other well informed grapes have been kind enough to supply,this is my first time doing it this way,last year i grew them first time,sowed straight into the ground,they are notoriously hit and miss with germination,just hope i have explained correctly without being boring,thanks to the other grapes for posting their previouse advice,just experiment.
          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


          • #35
            Blimey, what a palarva!! Just draw out a drill, sow two seeds per station every four inches and cover the drill with potting compost to mark, reduce capping and minimise weed seeds shooting. They'll be up in three weeks. weed and cover with fleece to stop carrot fly.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Cutecumber View Post
              No more. Pleeeeeeaase. I'm begging you.

              Let's have no more threads about parsnip germination until... well... how about APRIL?

              There's only so many times I can read about this detestable root without going stark raving bonkers
              rubs cutecumber's shoulders, puts cold flannel on forehead, makes a camomile tea and puts Digging for victory on tv............

              feeling better?
              Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


              • #37
                Originally posted by Paulottie View Post
                Blimey, what a palarva!! Just draw out a drill, sow two seeds per station every four inches and cover the drill with potting compost to mark, reduce capping and minimise weed seeds shooting. They'll be up in three weeks. weed and cover with fleece to stop carrot fly.
                thats what i like quick and straight to the point lol....
                Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


                • #38
                  Sow how do you grow Parsnips mine haven't germinated yet
                  Last edited by nothinghasgrownyet; 15-04-2008, 12:03 PM.
                  nothinghasgrownyet but it will


                  • #39
                    Neither have mine - but I think it's satan's vegetable and was doing it for the others - I will put the space to better use if they fail.

                    Unfortunately I have 2 consecutive veg box delivery's worth in the fridge - not enough for wine, but I can't bring myself to throw them out - might try the delia thing - but I'm not convinced it'll convert me. I wretch just peeling the darn things.


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