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Who's Planted Out What?


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  • #46
    Glad to be of assistance Bernie!

    I've sown a few seeds tonight - runner beans, cauliflowers and cabbage. No great quantities, just getting started. I thought I might get tatties in tomorrow, but the ground is still claggy.

    Actually I'll be busy tomorrow and Sunday as I'm doing a "tree planting" course. How to plant a shelter belt - Shetland style. Should be really interesting and something I really need to know about. Will let you know how I get on! Got to take a spade with me!
    Last edited by JennieAtkinson; 11-04-2008, 10:46 PM.
    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
    ~ Mary Kay Ash


    • #47
      Being in London I would hope the frosts are all but done, but you never know.

      Onion (spring, normal and pickling), Garlic, Early tatties, carrots and new fruit bushes.

      Carrots, Beetroot, Peas, Cabbage, Peas, Leeks,

      If only this weather would let me out for a couple of hours. Every time I go to step out the door, it rains. I still have 1/4 of the plot to dig in preperation for the main crop tatties to go in.
      Mclaren Pit Crew (MCP) .


      • #48
        I have planted my first things!!!!

        well right or wrong it was nice here today so planted my first things!!! put some potatoes in. didnt know how close so guessed and checked and was about right. also planted some onions

        also planted some perpertual beet and some loose leaf salad but was a bit unsure about these with weather and stuff so will they be ok? should I cover them with some fleece as I bought 50m of the stuff?? forgot to take it with me though but could pop back tomorrow if i should be putting it on.


        • #49
          hi mrs b....good on you for your first plantings! i've planted loads over the last few weeks and i am more north than you, so hopefully your stuff will be fine! i've planted cut and come again lettuce, boltardy beet, spring onions, parmex and nantes carrots, radish, potatoes. last year I thought i'd put potatoes in too early, but they were fine. i think basically even if we are too eager to sow stuff, although the early sowing take a bit of time, most of it will be fine! it's good fun eh?
          "A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does stand on two legs."


          • #50
            Broad beans, onion sets, radish, parsnips,carrots, potatoes,peas,cabbage are all in.
            Really chuffed about the parsnips did a direct sowing just as I thought I'd have to start again the row appeared. Yippee

            Coldframe: Cauliflower mini variety, Broccoli, Beetroot.

            Greenhouse: Squash, Tomatoes, Lettuce, courgettes, leeks.

            Propogator: Peppers, Sweetcorn, Augborines, Melon, Cucumbers.

            Kitchen window cill: Runnerbeans and Frenchbeans.

            Cabbage in a nursery bed with protection.

            First attempt at runnerbeans and frenchbeans failed, so sowed some more, could be that the seed is too old, but got to try again as it may have been to cold. Just can't wait.

            Most things coming on well.

            Updated 23rd February 2009


            • #51
              I planted out my broccoli & cauliflower today and am keeping my fingers crossed. My parsnips & potatoes have been in the ground for a while and mange tout for a week or so... actually I planted them out the day before the snow and they seemed to have come through that okay.

              We sow the seed, nature grows the seed, we eat the seed. (Neil, The Young Ones)



              • #52
                ooh glad I am not too early then. if your stuff is already out hopefully mine should be ok too. Its so exciting or I am such a sad individual I dont know which one it is!!


                • #53
                  Carrot Frame

                  I have built a frame about 6 metres long by one metre wide with old window frames and planted out some carrots covered for now with bubble wrap, I am hoping this will keep out the carrot fly, it is about two foot high, when I take the bubble wrap off I have got some garden fleece to put over the entire frame, do you think this will work?


                  • #54
                    Sowed Broad beans, green beans, beetroot & peas Sunday 5th April. Peas broke the Saturday 12th! Put out tomatoes on the 5th but they've been hammered with frost & look a bit crispy, hopefully they'll pull through. Planted sunflowers indoors & outdoors in a cloche, indoor ones are already 40mm high in one week!
                    Closed hearts will never be filled with
                    the beauty of the prescence of others...


                    • #55

                      all doing fine, bar the carrots which are still hiding


                      • #56
                        I have parsnips (started off indoor in loo rolls) onions, first early spuds (came through about three days ago) broad beans (also came through three days ago) and early peas. (no sign)

                        Have earthed up spuds as groundfrost forecast for the next 2/3 nights.


                        • #57

                          My spring onions are starting to grow i can see the seedlings coming through and i thought i had lost them to the frost we had not so long ago..obiviously not chuffed to bits nothing in the carrots yet did plant them at the same time tho..will have a sneeky peeky tomorrow and see..


                          • #58
                            Carrots take a longer time in the cold than onions.


                            • #59
                              Today I sowed me carrots, had to wait for the ground to dry out a little, has been rainy here for ages but hey ho the sun has got his hat on also planted what i think are peas.. i know five are definates but think the others may be cucumbers pots got mixed up and no real labeling system in the greenhouse I've got leeks in a big pot, tomatoes, marmande and gardeners deliegh, cauliflowers, peppers, and rhubarb (from seed).. gonna grab some aubergine plants asap and may start my sweetcorn off and runnerbeans and cucumbers although i may have cucumbers already :eek


                              • #60
                                in the sunshine today ive sown some moulin rouge beetroot, pricked out and planted out lossa rossa lettuce and protected with cloches.
                                my plot march 2013

                                hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better


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