I planted some iceberg-type lettuce seeds a month ago into a seed tray which I've kept on on north-facing window ledge, occasionally bringing them over to the south side for some extra warmth. I'm wondering if I should have waited and sown them where they are to grow because I can't work out how I can repot the limp lame things.
They've always been a bit flimsy but I thought they might just need a bit more water, or a little more warmth and they'll perk up, but it hasn't happened yet.
They've got a couple of pairs of leaves on them but are just lying in a heap on the tray.
Does this sound right? (sorry, originally posted this under the fruit section...)
They've always been a bit flimsy but I thought they might just need a bit more water, or a little more warmth and they'll perk up, but it hasn't happened yet.
They've got a couple of pairs of leaves on them but are just lying in a heap on the tray.
Does this sound right? (sorry, originally posted this under the fruit section...)