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No peas!!!


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  • No peas!!!

    I planted a tray of peas for pea shoots and some more peas in peat pots for planting out. I planted these in the greenhouse on 3rd March. 3 peas have come up in the peat pots, but none of the peas came up in the tray. What have I done wrong??? I used new seeds and new compost.

    I've just planted some more in drainpipes and hope for better luck this time!

  • #2
    hey sweetcorn, no idea what is wrong, I'd like some clues also! i've planted some peas in the ground, protected by netting etc...but nothing showing!
    "A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does stand on two legs."


    • #3
      I had same problem, planted peas in pots but no show, so I carefully emptied the pot and found that I had planted to deep and in waterlogged compost. Peas had rotted. So already replanted and up they've popped.


      • #4
        Its a common mistake that people sow seeds too deep. I know this won't help but my peas are amazing there as common this year as the slugs will be soon.
        Atomic Apple Design

        "It is a clich� that most clich�s are true, but then like most clich�s, that clich� is untrue."


        • #5
          Usual mistake is rotted seeds from overwatering compost...although mice like to dig them up...usually more of a problem outdoors but it has been known in greenhouses. Once they are up all manner of things will graze them off but especially pigeons.


          • #6
            Yes Paulottie - EVERYTHING loves peas. Net, and then if in doubt, net again!
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • #7

              Strongly suggest you poke about to try to find the seeds you sowed, however you might not find them as mice are excellent snafflers and even better at leaving the compost/soil surface totally untouched.

              They tend to return again and again till all peas are eaten.
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