Hi all.
This is our first posting here.
Long story short.... we are not new to growing veg at home and we have done so since 2006. However this years Spring has been, well, screwed up.
We have tempartures of 20 deg C one day and now today it snows.
This time last year and 2006 we already had all our veg seed in the ground and it germinated nicely.
At present, we have our broad beans, peas, spring onions, spianch and lettuce seed in.
The greenhouse has our tomates and cucumbers in.
We still have other seed waiting to go in the ground, but what with this cold and wet weather we can't sow anything.
However, according to the long term weather forecast, things are not going to improve for another month at least.
What are the rest of you doing regarding your seed sowing?
By the way, a list of what we are sowing this year can be seen on our site Welcome to Natural Aromas - The Good Life.
We currently have a cloche frame work over our veg beds (you will see this in the pics on our site) however we are also having some very strong winds too and they don't stay up long.
At the moment we just have netting over the veg beds.
I'm just a bit worried that the seed we have already sown will just rot in the ground because it is too cold and wet, then, by the time it does get warmer, it will be too late in the year to sow anything, other than runner beans.
Any advice would be greatly recieved.
This strange weather is really starting to get to us. We had fields full of lambs in January, it's hot one day and now it is snowing.
This is our first posting here.
Long story short.... we are not new to growing veg at home and we have done so since 2006. However this years Spring has been, well, screwed up.
We have tempartures of 20 deg C one day and now today it snows.
This time last year and 2006 we already had all our veg seed in the ground and it germinated nicely.
At present, we have our broad beans, peas, spring onions, spianch and lettuce seed in.
The greenhouse has our tomates and cucumbers in.
We still have other seed waiting to go in the ground, but what with this cold and wet weather we can't sow anything.
However, according to the long term weather forecast, things are not going to improve for another month at least.
What are the rest of you doing regarding your seed sowing?
By the way, a list of what we are sowing this year can be seen on our site Welcome to Natural Aromas - The Good Life.
We currently have a cloche frame work over our veg beds (you will see this in the pics on our site) however we are also having some very strong winds too and they don't stay up long.
At the moment we just have netting over the veg beds.
I'm just a bit worried that the seed we have already sown will just rot in the ground because it is too cold and wet, then, by the time it does get warmer, it will be too late in the year to sow anything, other than runner beans.
Any advice would be greatly recieved.
This strange weather is really starting to get to us. We had fields full of lambs in January, it's hot one day and now it is snowing.
