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100s and 1000s tomatoes


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  • 100s and 1000s tomatoes

    Dear All,

    Have any of the tomato growers here tried these? I keep seeing them in my gardening magazine and can't believe how heavy a cropper they seem to be.

    Smallblueplanet - you are a tomato addict - have you had a go?

  • #2
    I'm tempted by these also, I think they are new, only suttons and dobies seem to be doing them, as plants, not seen any seeds anywhere.
    Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


    • #3
      Lol! who me qotc? I'm a mere amateur! Try Seahorse she likes more 'unusual' stuff!

      Not tried them cos I'm not a fan of small tomatoes, be interesting to see how they grow though.
      To see a world in a grain of sand
      And a heaven in a wild flower


      • #4
        Can you save seed from them or are they an F1?
        Cheers Chris

        Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.


        • #5
          I've only ever managed to grow Tumbing Toms in baskets, so thought I'd give 100s and 1000s a go this year. Will let you know how they fare!!

          Fingers crossed



          • #6
            do let us know how you get on.


            • #7
              I'm tempted too..the pics look sooooo appealing. Might get a 1/2 dozen just for fun.


              • #8
                I could be wrong but I don't think they are available in seed form as they are reproduced by cuttings only. I haven't seen the one you are refering to but several of the seed companies are doing the same thing. Bigger more productive plants but at a higher premium.


                • #9
                  I haven't got these, but I'm growing some Millefleur from Real Seed Co. which look very similar Vegetable Seeds : Tomato Seed although with bigger toms than the 100&1000 ones. Best thing is, the seeds were much cheaper than the plants from Suttons


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
                    I haven't got these, but I'm growing some Millefleur from Real Seed Co. which look very similar Vegetable Seeds : Tomato Seed although with bigger toms than the 100&1000 ones. Best thing is, the seeds were much cheaper than the plants from Suttons
                    I'm intending to try these next year - I've already filled up all the tomato space (on paper) this year, so I'd be interested to know how they do. The seeds are much much better value than the plants considering a packet of seed should last a couple of years if your only sowing a 5 or 6 plants each season.

                    Jiving on down to the beach to see the blue and the gray, seems to be all and it's rosy-it's a beautiful day!


                    • #11
                      They look pretty good but there is no way that I would spend a tenner on three plants (inc postage) especially as some of the companies offering them have not been exactly good with the quality of plants that they have sent out in the past when I've used them. Prefer to grow my toms from seed, plant a few of several varieties and the packets of seeds last for years.

                      Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                      Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
                        I haven't got these, but I'm growing some Millefleur from Real Seed Co. which look very similar Vegetable Seeds : Tomato Seed although with bigger toms than the 100&1000 ones. Best thing is, the seeds were much cheaper than the plants from Suttons
                        oooo! good. I've got some of those too. We can compare notes. Mine were through on 27 May and I should be pricking them out soon. They're in unheated conservatory at the moment.

                        I've been resisting those adverts for the 100s and 1000s plants though, so now I don't need to buy them, I can follow their progress vicariously through here Go on, someone take the plunge


                        • #13
                          So, how did everybody fare with their 100s and 1000s. . . ?

                          I got some and started them in about mid-May on the window sill,
                          and then planted them (3) in a 14" (. . or maybe 16" LOL!!) hanging
                          basket with tomato growbag compost and some vermiculite.

                          They produced plenty of flowers, and there are still several hundred
                          flowers, and a good few tomatoes. There are probably around 150-200
                          pale green, small tomatoes on the plant at this late stage, and a great
                          many that just failed to pollinate (I think!). Anyway, I only
                          got about a dozen or so ripe-ish toms this season. . . !!

                          Now, I'm a COMPLETE NOVICE, but my guess would be that, despite the
                          fact we had some sun in June and July here in Fife, there just wasn't enough. August
                          was virtually non-existent sun-wise and it's been very wet and miserable. .

                          I'm sure I'll have another go next year, but get them as early as possible
                          so they have the best start. Let's wait and see.

                          Hope the rest of you had better results!!


                          • #14
                            are these different to the tomberries you see in the supermarkets?


                            • #15
                              Hi Folks, I did plant 3 plants this year of the 100,s and 1000,s . I put each one in a 16 inch basket with a few flowers for colour, have to admit that thay did okay and produced a fair few, (prob 50% of the picture) and they tasted great but were very small, alot were only 5 pence size !! Weather wasnt great this year and they croaked it around august !! will try again next year though !!!


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