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help - why is my sweetcorn dying


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  • help - why is my sweetcorn dying

    I have only ever bothered with fruit - but decided that i would try and grow a bit of veg this year - everything is in my kitchen - all seed trays on the window sills or on the sides. Everything seems to be doing great.

    I was so proud of my sweetcorn i sowed about 2 - 3 weeks ago - they looking great - and was about 3 inch tall - looking good, - BUT over the past few days they have started wilting and dying.

    I have never grown anything before - are they too hot - too cold - over watered - under watered - just bad luck?

    I'm thinking about sowing some more to see if i can try again - but i.m hoping that they might perk up!!

    any advice ...........

  • #2

    Sweetcorn is notoriously fussy.

    You don't say where you are but if it has been cold these last few nights in the kitchen, that could be it.

    Sometimes, they just give up the ghost for no apparent reason; even if some of them keep going.

    I'd resow again, keeping them as warm as you can esp at night.

    Can you give us more info about what is happening; are the leaves losing/going a different colour, is it wilting from the top or bottom. Or a photo close up would be good, just in case anyone can spot something that needs sorting.

    I'm sure another sowing will be fine - it was a very cold cold snap we've just had.


    • #3
      and don't over water - a little in the morning and again in the late afternoon/early evening should be fine.


      • #4
        They should be warm enough in the kitchen. I would suspect overwatering. Are they in individual pots, cell trays or all in one pot?


        • #5
          The other thing to consider is that you will get a chilling effect on the windowsill at night, and the temperature on the window sill will be much lower than in the rest of the room- esp if it's a north facing window.
          Added to over watering would be a big no-no
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • #6
            Too cold.

            I think its a bit early for sweetcorn, i sowed mine today in a warm glasshouse into root trainers.
            Blogging at.....


            • #7
              I only sowed mine yesterday in loo rolls.


              • #8
                My parsnips went into my loo rolls today.

                Worth taking pee for.
                Blogging at.....


                • #9
                  Sowed my sweetcorn on Sunday in root trainers in an unheated propogator but in a cool room. I sowed a few weeks later last year (my first year with the stuff, I can't stand it it's OH's fave veg) and although it was very successful, I'm experimenting a bit this year to see what happens - do have plenty of seeds in hand though so can resort back to Plan A if necessary!

                  Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                  Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                  • #10
                    I have failed year in year out with sweetcorn, so I wouldnt worry too muc. This year I have purchased some Swift sweetcorn from DT Browns.
                    Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


                    • #11
                      thanks for your advice so far - The sweetcorn is called incredible F1 - i'm in Nottinghamshire - My kitchen is quite warm and they are single plants and in quite large pots - I think that i may have watered them a little two often i'm going to let them dry out and see if they perk up (if you think that's a good idea)....


                      • #12
                        Try again in a month - they'll romp away!
                        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

               Updated March 9th - Spring


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