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Cherry tomato plant support


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  • Cherry tomato plant support

    How do people support their cherry tomatos? How high do you think it will grow? Would people recommend using just a bamboo stick or some chicken wire? Also i'm really struggling with working out how to actually set it up.

    Do people have any pictures or idiots guide to physically building the supports please. First year for me growing anything that needs support.

  • #2
    bear in mind i'm no expert, but this photo shows what i did last year, the first time i grew toms

    there is a 6ft cane tied horizontally to the greenhouse frame
    there are 5ft canes tied vertically to the horizontal cane
    i loosely tied the toms to the canes with string
    the small pots in the pics were replaced with bigger pots later
    i grew cherry and normal tomatoes - both similar sized plants
    the tomatoes / cucumbers grew easily to the top of the 5ft canes and the whole lot seemed fairly overgrown, but i was able to pick all the toms easily enough

    this year i'll be using the same canes - i'll be using bigger pots earlier on - i won't be using growbags - i'll pinch out the tomatoes a bit earlier as the extra growth doesn't help or produce any extra toms
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Farmer_Gyles; 12-04-2008, 01:57 PM.


    • #3
      Thanks very much that does help. I've got mine in 12" pots already. I think i'll get myself some canes then. What did you use to tie the plant to the cane as it grows? Could i use that wire you use as freezer bag ties, or would that be too tight?


      • #4
        i used string and tied them loosely - not sure if freezer bag ties would be too tight or if the wires in them would damage the tomatoes, hence chose string


        • #5
          I used raffia to tie mine last year, either that or soft string you don't want to damage the stems.


          • #6
            I have wires going from one end of the greenhouse to the other and I dangle string the full hieght of the greenhouse the as the plant grows I wrap it around the stem.

            Cheers Chris
            Cheers Chris

            Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.


            • #7
              ClayGarden - You could use your canes and copy the idea of the Tomato Cages in my photo. These are good for all types including Dwarf or Cherry type tomatoes.
              Attached Files
              I love growing tomatoes.


              • #8
                Originally posted by mcsee View Post
                ClayGarden - You could use your canes and copy the idea of the Tomato Cages in my photo. These are good for all types including Dwarf or Cherry type tomatoes.
                I like the look of those mcsee! Haven't seen anything like that for sale round here, but as you say, I'm sure I could concoct something similar with canes and wire coat hangers!
                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                Diversify & prosper


                • #9
                  i use plastic cable ties, get the large type and secure them loosely so the stem can expand,works a treat
                  joanne geldard


                  • #10
                    For the adventurous gardener you could include setting up fence type trellises to grow on/against along the row of plants. If you take two posts, whether steel or timber and have 6ft of them out of the ground, spaced apart about 12-15ft, then run 3 or 4 wires or strong cords (tensioned) between them at varying heights. As your tomato grows, you clip the branches to these wires/cords using "Trellis Ties" of the type found here

                    - KLIPON - Trellis Ties -

                    These ties clip to the wires and hold the branch loosely against the fence arrangement. I have purchased the clips here for $34.00AU for 1000, of which I have shared with my sister in law, who will do the same at her garden.
                    I love growing tomatoes.


                    • #11
                      Clay garden - to support a cherry tomato plant you can usually use just a single cane in your pot or next to the plant in the soil. If the trusses with the fruit on are particularly heavy you might be better to put in two canes, joining them with a couple of cross pieces in a ladder arrangement. You don't want to tie the tomato in too tightly as the stem will grow in thickness over time, but you need to ensure it is held securely. Start with one cane, perhaps, and see how things go. I often add more canes if things get out of hand.


                      • #12
                        Thats Cutecumber, since i cant have them out over night yet for a while, i reckon i'll go with a single cane when they first seem to need support, then when they can stay in their final position, go single cane, and build up from there. If they need more stability.


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