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propagator and greenhouse = belt & braces?


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  • propagator and greenhouse = belt & braces?


    I've only sowed my seeds in the last couple of weeks as I didn't have a propagator, my greenhouse is unheated and my husband not happy about pots on the windowsill

    It's generally pretty warm in the greenhouse, in the day but I know it's still getting cold at night, certainly down to only a couple of degrees. My question is, having sowed in those mini module things (you know where there are 20 little pots joined together), and having a propagator lid on top, and having them in the greenhouse as this overkill? Can it be too hot?

  • #2
    you could always put the propogator lid on about 4pm to retain the heat from the day overnight that may help get through what is hopefully the final cold spell of the year. i know what your OH means about plant pots weve got them everywhere
    hope this helps


    • #3
      What are your seeds? Unless they are tender crops such as tomatoes, beans, etc, they should be ok. It's still pretty chilly for some to be out overnight even well covered.


      • #4
        thanks, I generally only manage to get to the plot every 2 days (new job, sigh, very busy) so not really able to put on or off at specific times.

        I have got all sorts in my modules, including some tomatoes, so was hoping the extra warmth of propagator and greenhouse would help them along.


        • #5
          I've been using propagators inside mini g/hs inside my big g/h. I haven't found it's got too hot for them during the day yet but I think it might do soon
          I was feeling part of the scenery
          I walked right out of the machinery
          My heart going boom boom boom
          "Hey" he said "Grab your things
          I've come to take you home."


          • #6
            Yes, I suspect cooking is more of a problem than freezing!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Cutecumber View Post
              Yes, I suspect cooking is more of a problem than freezing!
              Unless its ready to eat


              • #8
                Do what I do: put thin fleece on top of the most tender plants.


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