No, fraid I didnt do either Wellie! They're tonights job!! I was gonna repot the tommys into 12" pots (where they will remain unless those more knowledgeable say otherwise) - I guess from your post I shouldnt do this yet?? Duhh!?
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Plum tomatoes?
Sorry Sue, only just logged on 'proper' today. Slapped wrists Wellie - There's no right or wrong thing to do. It's important to 'go with your gut feeling' a lot of the time, so pot them into what you'd got planned anyway. My only point there, was to keep them growing nice and steady (without allowing them to get 'pot-bound' and short of nutrients) and because you'd said they were destined for the warm windowsill.
Now I'm thinking you have MASSIVE windowsills?!
I wish i had massive windowsillsNo, they'd have to sit on the floor or table in the growd up pots .... hmmmm, decisions decisions - slow and gentle or just go for the big girlie pots ..
Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance
Definitely slow and gentle. The plants don't like to be put into a very big pot when they are still small. Move them in stages until they reach the grown up pots or growbags or buckets.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
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