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  • asparagus

    Can anyone help? My asparagus is just starting to appear about 2 inches tall so far, most spears look really fat & healthy but one of them ( the very first one that appeared is now looking rather skinny & withered. Cant see any creatures or bugs around. Planted them as one year old crowns last year. Any ideas?:

  • #2
    There is such a thing as an asparagus beetle (rather pretty looking!), I had this last year and it was quite difficult to spot. Other than that I don't know...


    • #3
      Did your spears look thin & withered? Cant see any beetles around, I beleive asparagus beetle is quite visable.


      • #4
        I think so, the 'scales' looked distorted and I distinctly remember the edges went black. I didn't know what it was till several months later when the ferny bits had developed and the beetles could be seen there.


        • #5
          Within our Asparagus raised bed, we have both male and female crowns. Each produce so very different widths of spears, thin and fat.
          Please don't think I'm being 'flippant' here, but do the spears seriously look sick?

          I've got my raised bed covered with a tent cloche. Don't ask me why - I just do, every year! and I'm thinking it's a bit early for Asparagus Beetle from experience....
          Please keep us posted, and between us, we may be able to help, I hope!


          • #6
            All Asparagus throws up 'sprues'...Thin ones. Not to worry, it is just the way of things. Also slugs and more particularly the sun hitting it after a frosty night can wither the spears. Next year when you begin your harvesting (what variety are you growing?) You should cut sprues with everything else.

            The first sign of asparagus beetle is the eggs which are like hairs on the stems. These should be rubbed off if you find them. The next stage is a greyish green maggot with a black head that will strip your ferns..Search and destroy, I find them strangely satisfying to may also wish to dust with Derris (buy some before it is withdrawn in Sept. Use it on a still evening when the bees are asleep) Then comes a rather pretty beetle, much like a lily beetle but with a black and white pattern on its back. These critters are ALWAYS at it! you need to put your hand underneath them an they will drop into it. If they fall to the soil (their defence mechanism) they are then quite difficult to spot.

            In honesty you learn to live with beetle and you can't kill them all but keep them in check. Always remove and burn the ferns in Nov as they hibernate in them.


            • #7
              Thanks for all your advice. At the moment only one spear looks affected. The other ones just appearing look fat & healthy. Will call in on my way home from work tonight & have another good look at it. Perhaps I'm panicking as I have nurtured the bed since I planted it last year. 'Eros' is the variety. Will keep you posted.


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