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Apparently today is the day...


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  • #16
    I think I'm going to pinch the flowers off the plants in my second bag and see if that helps to give me a better crop.


    • #17
      Does anyone have the general rule of when potatoes should be harvested? I know that earlies are 13 weeks from planting but what about maincrops?


      • #18
        Maincrops take about 19-20 weeks to mature Mel & are usually harvested in autumn, around September/October.
        Into every life a little rain must fall.


        • #19
          Eskymo - are you sure that the variety is correct? Your photo shows red spuds but my Pentland Javelin are certainly not reds. I went and had a nosey around after reading your post and I have very nice sized white potatoes (11 weeks after planting). Maybe you got them mixed up with main crop (Desiree?) Just a thought......


          • #20
            i have planted 2 crops - pentland javlin and deiree but was sure the ones I planted in bags were pentland javlin - maybe I've got them mixed up and maybe you're right as if they're a main crop , they wouldn't be ready yet...mmm...I'm now bemused.


            • #21
              Do you remember Eskymo back in March when you forgot to label your potatoes? You were growing Pentland Javelin and Desiree. Looks like Bugeyes has solved your problem.


              • #22
                I pulled one of my King ed maincrop up to see what was going on - I know I'm meant to wait 22 weeks - but I kind of went a bit overboard on the potato plants anyway so I thought I'd have a look-see and my main crop were about the same size those in your picture, eskymo - so it could be a mix up - we had them for dinner that night & they were delish!!!
                How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


                • #23
                  I'm confused though as the potatoes I planted weren't red they were a normal borwn colour. And I recently palnted the desiree spuds and they were definitely red...weird!

                  I promise that next year I will be more organised and note everything down - maybe take a polaroid of everything I do as well...maybe I should do my own gardening blog just so I can note my progress.


                  • #24
                    Yes, Well, I believe that patience really is a vitue on this one, judging by your pic the little spuds look healthy enough , just needed more time in the compost. Better luck with the second lot.


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