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Sweetcorn, carrots, spring onions !!


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  • Sweetcorn, carrots, spring onions !!

    Hi i have run out of room on my plot, (obviously so keen)

    Can i ask if these grow well in large planters

    Spring Onions

    Also can i plant my sweetcorn and runners next to each other as i have a perfect site.

    Its really hard the first year and i have been using the search button, there is only so much a book can tell you

    Thanks very much SS

  • #2
    hi SS, carrots, lettuce and spring onions will, sure the parsnip would too. don't know too much about the others tho, can't see why you can't grow sweetcorn and runners next too each other either


    • #3
      Yes to all the above.

      I'd put the spring onions and lettuces in a shallower planted if you have one; and the rest - the deeper the better. I'd add sand to the mix for the carrots and snoops; and manure or the contents of a grow bag in with the rest.


      • #4
        remember to plant the sweetcorn in a square though i planted mine in a straight line to save space guess what got nowt


        • #5
          Originally posted by areia View Post
          remember to plant the sweetcorn in a square though i planted mine in a straight line to save space guess what got nowt
          Sorry if this is a dumb question, but why do you need to plant sweetcorn in squares?


          • #6
            I have recently acquired an allotment and have no experience whatsoever upto now i've planted potatoes spring onions beetroot carrots plus a seedbed of cabbage lettuce and sprouts.Is it too late to sow parsnips,I've tried putting seeds on damp kitchen roll in a poly bag but nothings happened yet this was about ten days ago.I would appreciate any help I can get.


            • #7
              You need to plant in squares so they pollinate properly. Also giving them a shake helps too.



              • #8
                Originally posted by Novice Gardener View Post
                Sorry if this is a dumb question, but why do you need to plant sweetcorn in squares?
                You need to plant in squares so they pollinate properly. Also giving them a shake helps too.


                what she says


                • #9
                  Yes, no problem. There is even a globe carrot that has been especially modified to grow in containers. Try growing lettuce in your window boxes amongst your flowers, or even hanging baskets, some of the mixed leaf lettuce are very colourful.


                  • #10
                    Paul; snoops take an age to germinate.

                    sometimes even on paper a good month will pass before they even think of germinating.

                    To widen my success, I germinate a handful of kitchen roll every month and also sow a handful in situ every month. When i know I have about 20 growing, I'll stop and give the rest away. My kitchen ones chitted okay; and they were put into soil [well, chucked really] and they have now started to come above the soil and show some greenery.

                    If you leave them alone, and mark the calendar a month after putting them in, then have a look. Then mark a month after that and look again.


                    • #11
                      My experience is that the round carrots (Parmex, Parabel, Paris Market etc) are not as productive as the long ones in pots. They are really more suitable for stony ground where roots can't go down far without meeting an obstruction.

                      Think about it - you have very limited surface area in a pot, so why grow something wider? I get a much reduced overall crop when I do the round ones.

                      Small, long roots work fine as long as you have about 25cm depth or more.


                      • #12
                        cheers everyone for your help,

                        i have bought some large containers and some of those plastic (faux weave effect) planters< yesterday i sowed the cut and grow lettace and i will have a go with the carrots in them as well, its worth a go, live and learn!!!!

                        i sowed my sweetcorn in loo rolls, and i will leave everything in my greenhouse until i know the time has come to go outside, its great cause then the Kids can see them grow and dont have to walk on my plot!!

                        thanks again - SS :-)


                        • #13
                          Brasicas aren't meant to to well in pots as they like the soil to be well compacted - nobody had told me this when I first started and I gave it a whirl as I'd nowhere else to put stuff - funnily enough they did really well so it's always worth giving things a go.

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