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OK - I give up (Celeriac)


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  • #16
    Poor La Cebolla Grande. I think Red is right about the bad luck. I've never had celeriac problems.

    But Nigella??????? The stuff self seeds in every garden. I nick a few seed heads, buy new seed, plant spares... And have not had any luck at all the past 2 years. TWO YEARS!! This year I have one.

    Some things are just not meant to be, others just bad luck.

    If my celeriac plants look healthy enough in a month, I can maybe send you a couple if you can't find any plugs. I've not got many, but still too many for just the two of us in my house.

    Last edited by dajehle; 24-04-2008, 08:40 AM.


    • #17
      I had pretty poor result with the Feb sowing...about 12 from 40. Having another go for a second batch. I sow in modules with 3/4 seeds in each. bit of fine sieved vermiculite on top and covered with a little bubble wrap frame. I set it on the bench of an insulated/ vented greenhouse. Try and keep the temperature a bit consistent. Really other posters are right they do take a while to get going but the final size has more to do with water supply/soil richness. I find pulling the outside leaves off helps too. I was going to try growing them in a shallow trench this year(to flood) but I am now toying with the idea of growing through mypex using a seep hose underneath.

      Strange you can't get them started you seem to have covered all the normal pitfalls. Shame cos they are a very good crop for the winter. Go on have one more go there is still time.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
        This is my first year of growing. I put the (new) seeds in cell trays, multi-purpose compost, in propagator (they need a min of 16 C to germinate). The came up in about 10-14 days, and are now growing on in an unheated greenhouse.
        Just in case anyone reading this thinks it means that you need a propagator to get celeriac going - relax, you really don’t! Here in the south of England, at any rate, they’ll germinate very happily in March in a cold greenhouse.


        • #19
          OK, back in UK and ready to go for the weekend. Included in my plans is the final attempt at Celeriac - will let you all know how it goes, thanks for your help!



          • #20
            After 3 weeks of waiting mine are now popping up...... just hope they aren't too late!


            • #21
              Marshalls are selling them in plug plants (Marshalls Seeds Product Detail- 1080-5915: Celeriac Brilliant) although a bit on the expensive side if you ask me.

              Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

              Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Alison View Post
                Marshalls are selling them in plug plants (Marshalls Seeds Product Detail- 1080-5915: Celeriac Brilliant) although a bit on the expensive side if you ask me.
                Spotted them in Homebase yesterday - 10 plants for 1.99 Might just buy some tomorrow since mine don't seem keen to germinate.
                Happy Gardening,


                • #23
                  I find the only success I have with celeriac is to get the seeds to germinate in trays - putting the seeds on top of wet tissue. I then cover the trays with clingfilm and put them on my office windowsil. I spray with watre everyday and they take about 3 weeks to decide to sprout. i do it this way as then I can keep an eye on them and they're always there and I can't forget about them. The times that I have planted them into compost in plugs and nothing happens, I get impatient and think the seeds must be old or the soil has been too wet - I'm just not patient enough. I've got 14 seeds on the windowsill at the moment and they sprouted a few days ago. I'm going to transplant them into plugs later on today or tomorrow.

                  One question I'd like to ask about celeriac is - can I grow them in pots? I'm about to move house and the new garden is not very vegplot friendly and I have a lot of work to do once I'm there and I think I'm going to have to grow the majority of my veg in pots this year - this is fine for my salads, toms, courgettes etc but I'm not sure what to do with my celeriac / beetroot / turnips - can these be grown in pots?


                  • #24
                    Nice pics and info here:
                    How to Grow Celeriac Growing Celeriac


                    • #25
                      OK. The saga continues!!!

                      My final attempt at seeds - kept at 15 degrees, well watered, fresh seed etc etc failed, not a single germination, and despite the fact I live in Norfolk I managed to find some well-grown plants in trays at a garden centre near my parents in Dorset (not many gcs seem to do them). Young plants immediately bought, and planted out in garden - in little divots so they will hold the water.

                      One problem, reading back through this thread. I have a south facing, sandy sheltered garden in Breckland - ie very very hot and dry - so I guess I will be spending my entire summer standing over them with a hose pipe!!!

                      They should get shaded by the beans and courgettes, but better to have them in garden rather than lottie as we generally don't water up there!

                      Fingers crossed. I do sometimes think - and I know this is a DREADFUL thing to say - that some veg are easier to buy in Tescos!!!!



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