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Too late for potatoes


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  • #16
    That sounds a good idea....using a compost bag. I've never tried growing potatoes, so may have a go!


    • #17
      Did my 2nd earlies today, maincrop pink fir apple some today the rest tomorrow and the rest of the maincrop are going in in the next week. I so far have 14 25 metre rows! I must be mad!

      Good luck, and don't worry about chitting- farmers don't chit their thousands of spuds



      • #18
        You're not too late at all Newgardengirl.
        All you need to remember about potatoes is that they are not frost hardy, so they need to be grown in the frost free period of the year.
        You need to know what kind of potatoes you are growing
        but roughly
        earlies need 10 weeks
        second earlies 13 - 16 weeks
        main crops 18 - 22 weeks.
        When is your first frost likely.
        Count back the number of weeks from then and you can work out how late you can plant your potatoes.
        You'll see you still have plenty of time for anything. Good luck with them.

        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


        • #19
          56 potatoes finally in!! ( Charlotte and Rocket)
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • #20
            Anyone who's looking for free pots - keep an eye on new builds/renovations in your area, when they finish the building work in come the landscapers for the instant garden, Everything comes in pots and anyone I've asked so far would just have chucked the pots away. You can get all sorts, the best are the big ones supplied with trees. Plenty big enough for potatoes. Really good quality black pots.
            Otherwise save every compost/manure/bark chippings bag you get. They will always come in useful for potato planting and any emergency planting.
            And you can get a good crop in bags, grew one hundredweight of potatoes this way last year.


            • #21
              Only just managed to get my first earlies in. Weather's been terrible, plot absolutely sodden and no time. Didn't chit deliberately, but when I get my seed spuds I unpack them and put them in egg trays somewhere cool and light so they don't get those useless long white sprouts. Cleared more ground yesterday and today, so hoping to get the rest in soon.


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