I'm new to this allotment game and could do with some advice about spuds and ground clearing.
My plot is full of couch, and I've dug over the area where the spuds will go pretty roughly, and divided it into beds. I haven't weeded it much at all, except to remove big taproots. I've got plenty of spuds chitted and ready to go but am unsure how to put them in - I haven't got time to properly dig the soil and break down all the lumps. Can I just dib them in or do I need to make a trench and put them in the bottom - will they grow ok covered in lumpy soil? How deep do they need to be?
I have two small children who come and 'help', so time is of the essence and I'm looking for the simplest solution.
My plot is full of couch, and I've dug over the area where the spuds will go pretty roughly, and divided it into beds. I haven't weeded it much at all, except to remove big taproots. I've got plenty of spuds chitted and ready to go but am unsure how to put them in - I haven't got time to properly dig the soil and break down all the lumps. Can I just dib them in or do I need to make a trench and put them in the bottom - will they grow ok covered in lumpy soil? How deep do they need to be?
I have two small children who come and 'help', so time is of the essence and I'm looking for the simplest solution.
