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Over zealous planting


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  • Over zealous planting

    In the past I have usually grown at most half a dozen tomatoes and maybe a couple of cucumbers. The other day I had a rough count of the plants in the greenhouse and there are well over 200 plants of tomatoes, peppers, aubergines and a few other greenhouse stuff. Ive got over 25 tomatoes in 1lt pots as well as others in smaller pots. Think I may have to visit car boot sale. Anyone else gone overboard with the sowing this year.



  • #2
    Absolutely! I've got 15 tomato plants, even though I'll only have room for 2 in my greenhouse or 3 if both my aubergine plants die on me! I only ever use a chilli a few times a year, yet I've got 6 plants and lots of other things too. Have felt like a child in a sweetshop this year, 1st year of greenhouse so want to grow everything and think I have done just about I'm worried I may have acquired an addiction! The only thing that's stopping me sowing more things is that I haven't got any more room Happy days!


    • #3
      I sowed 16 seeds not thinking they would all germinate, 15 germinated. Potted them all on thinking half would die. Ive potted on twice now and I've got 15 very healthy tomato plants, I've just not had the guts to axe a few of them. I only need 6. My sister will be doing car boots this year so the extra will probably go there.
      Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup!


      • #4
        ive got 25 tomato plants and 10 seedlings.grew about the same last year.i stick them all over the place in the flower borders etc i always find space.your tomatoes dont neccesarily have to be in a greenhouse i grew gardeners delight outside money maker outside marmande outside,tamina outside.tumbling toms can always give your toms away its quite satisfying.i have definatley gone over board with the cucmbers as i have about 10 oops,chillis 5 and peppers 6.aubergines 2 so not too bad with them.the thing is when a seedling appears i cannot get rid of itx
        joanne geldard


        • #5
          And just to add to the chaos, I decided to try the 'take out a side-shoot and pot it up for another tomato plant' today.

          If they all take,that's 6 more
          Growing in the Garden of England


          • #6
            I can't pass up the chance of a free plant. I saw a peach stone, discarded by my daughter last year, had sprouted in the garden, so I've potted it up. I've got about 20 dragon fruit seedlings on the go in the kitchen (they are a type of catus, you can buy the fruit in the supermarket). I was very good and only planted 5 each of our 2 favourite tomatoes in Jan, but then put in another 6 as insurance at the beginning of March.
            A chap at work asked me if I'd like some of his spares, so I said yes (?). I've already got 6 chillies, he's given me another 2, 4 cues, he gave me another (all greenhouse ones), and goodness knows how many plum toms. I off loaded 3 out of the 6 insurance policy peppers, 4 of the same of tomatoes, some watercress, and a cutting of vietnamese coriander. Now I need to find space for all the extras, and I've only got a 6X8 greenhouse. Methinks they ought to market a greenhouse with 'Tardis' features!
            I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
            Now a little Shrinking Violet.



            • #7
              having suffered from this problem last year, i cut back this year.

              So I've only got 14 tomato plants, 8 peppers/chillies and 10 courgettes all sitting on the spare room bedroom while I go away for the weekend.

              With my sensible head on, I didn't sow any aubergines this year.

              Catch up with my daily doings at and but wait a while cos these are well out of date ! Don't want to ditch them entirely cos I'll never remember the urls !


              • #8
                Originally posted by gojiberry View Post
                In the past I have usually grown at most half a dozen tomatoes and maybe a couple of cucumbers. The other day I had a rough count of the plants in the greenhouse and there are well over 200 plants of tomatoes, peppers, aubergines and a few other greenhouse stuff. Ive got over 25 tomatoes in 1lt pots as well as others in smaller pots. Think I may have to visit car boot sale. Anyone else gone overboard with the sowing this year.


                Which just goes to matter how big your greenhouse's NEVER big enough!
                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                Diversify & prosper


                • #9
                  kentveg plot
                  you have just reminded me of why i had sooo may more tomato plants last year as i did the same as you oh god i will have to try and restrain myself lol
                  joanne geldard


                  • #10
                    I've got masses of things that I've sown and far to much for our needs. The OH's friend will take a lot of the bedding/hanging basket plants.

                    There are quite a few new plot holders and they will appreciate some veg.

                    I paid for the packets of seeds and provided I have sufficient plants for my own use and I get my pots back, well it's only cost me a bit of potting medium but I get the joy of giving something away.

                    Half my pleasure of having an allotment really.

                    I live by the premise that I would rather do a good turn for someone than a bad one.
                    I am certain that the day my boat comes in, I'll be at the airport.


                    • #11
                      I do the same thing every year when I've got too much stuff. I walk into the pub with a sheet of paper with what I have spare written on it and announce in a loud voice "Anybody want any free..." and before I can say what I have, I'm surrounded by peolpe putting in orders. Then I get free beer for a month.
                      I love gardening !!!!!

                      If it ain't broke, don't fix it and if you ain't going to eat it, don't kill it


                      • #12
                        The main thing is that I enjoy my gardening, and even if growing to the equipments capacity is way way more than my needs, I'm sure I will find good homes for the surplas.



                        • #13
                          I have lots of leeks in 2 4" pots and I need to spread them out a bit very soon.

                          I have about 40 tomato plants of various varities (I know there are 15 super roma for example), but I may have to give a few of those away.

                          I have possibly oversown my summer squashes and courgettes (4 and 6 respectively) - but we love courgettes and we'll see about the squashes.

                          I have 4 module trays of brassicas - just over 1 each of cabbage and brocolli, and a few cauliflowers and brussels sprouts - almost ready to plant out. And 10 more sprouts and 20 PSB which are just poking their heads out of their modules.

                          My problem is that, although I love most of what I have grown, I may not actually have room on the plot for all that (I also was afraid of things dying). So I need to get digging all the uncultivated bits, and do a bit of reclaimation of the waste ground behind (there's about 6' between my plot and the boundary fence that I could use). I have a few days off next week and OH is threatening to come with me on Friday, so we should make a good bit of progress. (And I will be harvesting lots of winter/spring brassicas now that they finally are ready to eat - so that's another big bed ready soon).


                          • #14
                            I've over-done things a bit this year too! I knew I had half a small plot extra so I've sowed enough toms (types that should do ok outdoors) to fill 2 plots! Fortunately my son and son-in-law have both started veg growing this year so I can pass on my excess!
                            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                   Updated March 9th - Spring


                            • #15
                              This year, I am growing over 15 types of tomatoes, over 10 types of squashes,5 types of chilies, 3 types of pepper and 2 types of aubergines but can only have 1 plant each. Did sow only 3 seeds per type but the germination was so good and I end up in having loads of them.
                              I managed to find them new home (family, friends and neighbours have taken them all) but due to that I am loosing a lot of pots . I will only sow 2 next year as I can't bring my self to kill any seedlings nor loosing more pots !
                              Last edited by momol; 28-04-2008, 10:04 AM.
                              I grow, I pick, I eat ...


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