I had every intention of planting out broad beans (Martock and Aquadulce), raspberries (Autumn Bliss and some others unidentified) and my peas (Stephens) yesterday, but you know how it is - you get distracted. So I built a pond, dug over a couple of beds, made a pseudo path, built another raised bed, sowed some meadow flower seeds which included - Shirley Poppy, Californian Poppy, Cornflower and Fairy Toadflax. Got myself sunburnt and I think the broad beans got sunburnt too (they didn't look to helathy at the end of the day).
All in all I spent about eight hours on the plot yesterday (and feeling it today).
Got plenty ready to go in the greenhouse - hopefully next weekend will be just as productive.
All in all I spent about eight hours on the plot yesterday (and feeling it today).
Got plenty ready to go in the greenhouse - hopefully next weekend will be just as productive.